The Purpose of taking Oxycodone is to relieve moderate to severe pain, whether acute or chronic. It has extended-release tablets & capsules used for severe pain that is caused over a long period in people, who cannot be treated with other medications. It is a semisynthetic opioid analgesic that generally works by changing the way that the brain & nervous system responds to pain. People also buy Oxycodone to get relief from severe pain caused by cancer, injury, or post-surgery. This pain relief medicine is also referred to as a narcotic, and Oxycodone is the generic name for it. Oxycodone should only be used exactly as described. It can lead to respiratory depression resulting in death, particularly if you take more than you're told to or you take large amounts.

How Oxycodone Works:

 When someone takes Oxycodone, it binds to certain opioid receptors found in the central nervous system. It changes the perception of pain through the spinal cord and the central nervous system. It works by triggering an emotional response that can help with pain relief. It works by taking Oxycodone, it releases a flood of dopamine that makes you feel pleasant or even euphoric. As it happens, your brain starts to be rewired to feel like it should try to continue to take the stimulus that led to the happy feeling, which is why you might start experiencing the psychological desire to continue using this medication. It does not eliminate the sensation of pain IQ but decreases discomfort by increasing the tolerance to pain. In addition to tolerance to pain, Oxycodone also caused sedation & depression of respiration.

Oxycodone Addiction:

Many causes of this addiction are due to normal mistakes by a person who is experiencing pain & has been on this medication for a long period of time. It is because their bodies have built up a tolerance to its effect. They just take the additional dose because they still have more medication & the pain isn't getting better. This habit may turn into addiction when the prescription ends. The main cause of addiction;

Consumption of higher doses of Oxycodone than prescribed

Consumption of more doses than prescribed

Taking Oxycodone with alcohol

Using this medication by crushing, snorting, or injecting

Signs & Symptoms of Oxycodone Addiction:

Taking Oxycodone in larger amounts or over a long period than intended.

Consuming the medication in a situation physical hazardous

Taking Oxycodone to fulfill the role at school or work

A great deal of time is spent obtaining oxycodone, using oxycodone, or recovering from its effects.

Taking higher doses to fulfill the desired effect.

Craving, or a strong desire to use oxycodone.

There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control oxycodone use.

Take Oxycodone to avoid the withdrawal side effect.

Side Effect:

The most common side effects are;

Dry mouth


Nausea & vomiting

Excessive sweating

Physical Weakness or lack of energy


Sleepiness & dizziness

Other possible side effects are;

Stomach pain

Heart palpitations

Low blood pressure or slow heart rate



Respiratory depression



Most of the side effects of the medical use of oxycodone are mild and are not life-threatening. They will often decrease over time as your body adjusts to the medication, but sometimes an adjustment in oxycodone dosage is needed.

For more info, visit:

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