The Lok Sabha on Tuesday introduced two bills to enable simultaneous elections across India after a heated debate, where the opposition described the move as “dictatorial.” Minister of State for Law and Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal, who introduced the bills, maintained that the legislation would not undermine the federal structure of the Constitution.

The Constitution (129th Amendment) Bill and The Union Territories Amendment Bill were introduced following a division of votes, with 269 members in favor and 198 against. Meghwal emphasized that the bills did not interfere with the “basic structure doctrine,” as claimed by the opposition. He said principles like judicial review, federal character, and separation of powers remained intact.

Congress leader Manish Tewari opposed the bills, calling them an “assault on the basic structure of the Constitution.” He argued, “One of the essential features is federalism and the structure of our democracy. The bills exceed the legislative competence of this House Read More….