Varun Dhawan’s latest film Baby John, an ambitious adaptation of Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s iconic 2016 hit Theri, has turned into a box office disappointment, leaving fans and critics disheartened. The film, helmed by Kalees and produced by Atlee, was touted as a career-defining project for Dhawan, but early box office numbers suggest otherwise.
With the massive shoes of Thalapathy Vijay to fill, Dhawan faced immense pressure even before the release. The original Theri remains one of Vijay’s most celebrated films, raising the bar for anyone attempting to recreate its magic. However, the struggles of Baby John were compounded by Atlee’s towering claims during the film’s promotions, which have now returned to haunt the project.
At a pre-release press event, Atlee confidently declared Dhawan as Bollywood’s “next superstar,” positioning Baby John as the vehicle to cement this status. However, the term “superstar” in Bollywood is reserved for the likes of Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Salman Khan—icons with decades of unparalleled success. Atlee even drew direct comparisons to Ranbir Kapoor, stating that Baby John would replicate the success of Animal and reignite Dhawan’s box office dominance.
These bold statements have aged poorly as the film struggles to meet even modest expectations. Social media has been unforgiving, with comments mocking Atlee’s audacious claims. Critics have noted that Baby John lacks the emotional depth and gripping storytelling that made Animal a blockbuster Read More…Varun Dhawan’s latest film Baby John, an ambitious adaptation of Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s iconic 2016 hit Theri, has turned into a box office disappointment, leaving fans and critics disheartened. The film, helmed by Kalees and produced by Atlee, was touted as a career-defining project for Dhawan, but early box office numbers suggest otherwise.
With the massive shoes of Thalapathy Vijay to fill, Dhawan faced immense pressure even before the release. The original Theri remains one of Vijay’s most celebrated films, raising the bar for anyone attempting to recreate its magic. However, the struggles of Baby John were compounded by Atlee’s towering claims during the film’s promotions, which have now returned to haunt the project.
At a pre-release press event, Atlee confidently declared Dhawan as Bollywood’s “next superstar,” positioning Baby John as the vehicle to cement this status. However, the term “superstar” in Bollywood is reserved for the likes of Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Salman Khan—icons with decades of unparalleled success. Atlee even drew direct comparisons to Ranbir Kapoor, stating that Baby John would replicate the success of Animal and reignite Dhawan’s box office dominance.
These bold statements have aged poorly as the film struggles to meet even modest expectations. Social media has been unforgiving, with comments mocking Atlee’s audacious claims. Critics have noted that Baby John lacks the emotional depth and gripping storytelling that made Animal a blockbuster Read More….