Let’s first understand what is a medical abortion

Abortions are generally safe and most ladies won’t experience any issues with abortion pills online. Medical abortion is never linked with infertility Yet, similar to any medical remedy, there’s a little danger that something could turn out badly. The risk of intricacies expands later in pregnancy if the abortion process is left incomplete or untreated.

Read on how the potential difficulties can occur:

The complications are different relying upon whether you have a surgical abortion or a medical abortion, and how long pregnant you are.

Medical abortion:

Before 14 weeks of pregnancy the primary dangers of medical abortion are:

Requiring to take another dose to eliminate pregnancy parts that have remained in the belly: this happens to around 7 out of 100 ladies

Severe complications like excessive bleeding, sepsis, damage to the womb: this happens to around 1 out of 100 ladies

After 14 weeks of pregnancy, the primary dangers of medical abortion are:

Going for a surgery to remove pregnancy parts that have remained in the belly: around 13 out of 100 ladies

Contamination or injury to the belly: this happens to few ladies.

Surgical abortion

Prior to 14 weeks of pregnancy, the dangers of surgical abortion are:

Genuine complications like severe bleeding, sepsis, pain in the stomach, damage to the womb: this happens to around 1 out of 1,00 ladies.

After 14 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of surgical abortion are:

Requiring another methodology to eliminate portions of the pregnancy that have remained in the belly: around 3 out of 100 ladies

Excessive bleeding: between around 1 and 10 out of 100 ladies

Contamination: this happens to few ladies

Damage to the belly or injury to the belly (cervix): this happens to few ladies

The website will provide you with a 24-hour helpline to call if you have any issues after an abortion.

Coming towards infertility and future pregnancies:

Having a medical abortion does not have any risk of getting infertility, mental health problems, or breast cancer. Also, having a medical pregnancy termination does not affect your chances of becoming pregnant again or conceiving in the future.

Many women get pregnant easily soon after the abortion, so you should start using emergency contraception right away if you do not want to get pregnant again. Your expert will guide you about when to take the contraception after your abortion process.

There is very little risk for your fertility and future gestations if you have any infection in the womb which is not cured on time. The infection can pass to your ovaries and fallopian tubes which are known as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

PID can worsen the risk of ectopic pregnancy or infertility where an egg is embedded outside the womb.

However, most of the time the infections are cured before they come at this stage. Thus, it is recommended to talk with your medical expert about these things if you are worried about the possible risk of pregnancy termination.