Our heart is nothing but an integral muscle collating a subsequent number of arteries and blood vessels within it that helps the heart not only pump the blood for the rest of the body but for itself as well. A classic case of CVD always includes clogged arteries or blood vessels that restrict the natural functioning of the heart.

One classic example of CVD can be Coronary Artery Disease or the most common one can be cholesterol, a chronic condition that just refuses to go away. The CVD range of disorder literally starts with plaque blocking the arteries or blood vessels causing the space for blood flow to narrow down. Inadequate or restricted blood flow, as a result, often paves a path for blood clots in the heart, heart blockage, and even an attack at the worst. 

The early signs for this disorder often start with a classic case of angina, better known as chest pain. The shooting pain may often extend to the adjacent arm or shoulders with the other common signs of coronary artery disease being-

Tightness in chest Shortness of breathCold sweatsHEART RHYTHM DISORDERS 

A condition that has affected millions of Canadians in the past decade, heart rhythm disorders are the literally dysfunctional beating of the heart that causes diseases like arrhythmia. This is a medical condition where the heart literally beats either too fast (tachycardia) or too slow (bradycardia), causing disruption in smooth blood flow. Some of the other common arrhythmia genres can be premature ventricular contractions that come with additional beats which are abnormally spaced. 

While the dangerous types of arrhythmia often come unannounced without any prior symptoms, the usual symptoms can be in the form of- 

Heart palpitationsA fluttering feeling in the heart Dizziness or lightheadednessFeeling of fainting CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE 

A condition that you’re probably born with, Congenital heart diseases are described as heart deformities that are often present there since birth. The umbrella term for this condition can be categorized under Valvular and structural heart disease. This category of disorder acts like an umbrella to smaller defects like having a hole in the heart or facing blood flow obstruction due to partial blockage from the birth and even experiencing a lack of oxygen due to a defect in the heart. Early signs for this disorder can be- 

Bluing of skin or lipsIrregular heartbeatShortage of breathFrequent panting Edema or swelling of body tissues or organs Website :