"I told you so." He looked around, pulled me closer, and whispered. "This is very difficult to serve today. All the prescriptions he prescribes can't be decocted in the pharmacy. He has the final say on the heat and the time of decocting. So this medicine, ah, has to go to his place and be watched by him before it can be sent to the master's room." — —?? What a mess. It's not for Master Long Live. Do you need to bother so much? Why don't you hurry up. Why are you in a daze? He looked at me contemptuously: "Oh, forget it …" You new girl must not know the rules of the palace, go, go, I lead the way, you learn, father-in-law I am very busy, only teach you this time. "Thank you, father-in-law." I lowered my head, held the medicine and straightened my back. Along the way, he turned left and right. He waved his robe, which was called arrogance. Who can tell me? He, a eunuch, is arrogant in front of me. Thought he pissed me off, gave him a drug, and he would grow back. Did he become a man. Ah! Bah. He suddenly stopped,tin beneficiation plant, turned around and looked at me. "What are you nagging me about?" I was stunned. Back to my father-in-law, I mean. My brain was knotted, calm for a while, and suddenly there was a very quiet smell floating in the distance, and I made a gesture to smell it, "This yard is so fragrant." "No insight." He stepped back, picked up his sleeve and pointed to my left. "See.." The red lotuses in this pond have blossomed. Can they not be fragrant? "Is it the season for the red lotus to bloom?" I'm confused. Do the math on your fingers. Or did I misremember the date.. "No." He answered briefly,mineral flotation, gave me a sidelong glance, and added, "After the prince brought back a beautiful woman from outside, the next day the pond blossomed." Tut, tut. No wonder. Fanghua in our family has the ability. Beautiful, really beautiful. Flowers are flowers and petals are petals. I put down the medicine, pressed it on the railing, and looked down. The pond was filled with fog, and the lotus flowers in the pond seemed to be half open and half closed, very shy. Oh, what are you doing? Fanghua likes to eat lotus, but the lotus in the house is usually pure white as snow, I have never seen such a warm and amazing red.. Be sure to pick one. Give my godfather a taste. Father-in-law, you go first, Carbon in Pulp ,gold CIP machine, "I crawl on the ground, hand outstretched toward the railing," I get one to go ashore to look for you. He was in a hurry and looked around. Exasperated, desperately tugging at my sleeve: "Can't take it off, can't take it off … …" Come up quickly. Ah You can't pick it. I've already picked it. It's still a very bright and big one. The flowers in this palace can't be picked if you want to. You're doing this to. He leaned over, made a gesture of wiping his neck, said in a low voice, and then stepped back several steps, with an expression that you can do it. What Do you want to be beheaded? Damn it, father-in-law, why didn't you say so? I was shocked. Shh! What are you shouting about? Keep your voice down. The little eunuch put his hand over my mouth. Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps from the bushes. I looked at him.. He blinked and let go. — —|| As soon as I was excited, I quickly stuffed the fresh lotus into my arms, which was cool. He shook his body, his neck shrank, and goose bumps came out all over his body. The little eunuch was not bad-hearted either. He bent down to pick up the herbs and put them in my hand. He pulled me by the sleeve and stood with him. He twisted my hand and said in a low voice, "Be careful. Follow my father-in-law and don't make mistakes." I stared at him in a daze, and they looked at each other. Right away, I understood. The leaves were pushed aside, and a bright yellow robe came into view. I didn't dare to look because I lowered my eyes. The little eunuch next to me pulled me carefully, and I followed him to worship. He said that he was a slave to pay his respects to the prince. It makes me feel like a thunderbolt. No way.. It's just picking a flower. Do you have to.. Attract such a big shot. I am very weak on my knees. I felt a line of sight sweep over both of us and fall somewhere else. I lifted my eyelids and peeked. Han Zichuan seemed to be a prince dressed up, with an east pearl on the top of his crown, wearing five dragons embroidered on his court clothes, wearing jade on his waist, and full of noble spirit. His eyebrows and eyes became more and more handsome, but his expression seemed to be at a loss. He looked around and looked like he was looking for someone. Your Highness, why did you suddenly run so fast? Wiping her sweat, a maid of honor came through the bushes. "The ministers are still waiting for you." With a sigh, It is particularly melodious and striking. Maybe I misheard him. How could that man be in the palace? His eyes darkened and he turned. "Let's go." That was close.. Looking at the figure of his departure. My hands were trembling and I couldn't get up on the ground. It's a good thing it wasn't discovered, otherwise it would be a small matter if you died, and I would have to follow the board. The little eunuch was livid and helped me up. — —|| This is neither male nor female. Why do you speak so badly. Along the way, he took me to a compartment in disgust, and I could smell the strong smell of medicine far away. The door opened gently. A wave of hot flashes came to my face. Two rows of pots were burning on the fire, and about fourteen slaves, each guarding one, squatted on the ground and looked into the stove, fanning the fire. Spectacular. The room was a little dark, a ray of sunshine came through the window, a man with his back to them, holding a book in his hand, occasionally waving a fan, very leisurely. The little eunuch pushed me and winked. I was stunned for a moment. He looked at it with his eyes. The figure of this man is beautiful and looks familiar. My Lord, the slave has brought the medicine you want. The eunuch gave me a pinch on the side of my waist. Ouch. I couldn't help crying. But knowing that the time was not right, he quickly covered his mouth, leaving only two eyes blinking and blinking. He turned around, raised his eyebrows,gold heap leaching, looked at me as if he wanted to see something from my face, and finally said lightly, "Put this medicine in a pot of fifteen medicines and boil it with slow fire first." ? ore-magnetic-mining.com