Then the two chickens next to him did not answer him, but looked ahead and suddenly showed a frightened expression. It's like witnessing the scene of some brutal dismemberment. Black cock laughed: "Hello!"! You two, don't be so- As the line of sight shifted, the black rooster who saw the situation in front of him could not laugh. The cub and the vegetable beast, who had just escaped, had already appeared in their sight, but the way they looked now had nothing to do with panic, as if they were waiting for them to come. That's not the point. The point is the vegetable animal. She holds a fire-breathing gun in one hand, which is used to dehair pork in the market, and a barbecue fork in the other hand. There was a large piece of meat on the barbecue fork, and she was slowly roasting the meat with a fire-breathing gun, making sure that the meat was evenly heated. Under her careful cooking, the meat turned brown, the gravy overflowed, and the fragrance wafted all over the room. As if feeling the heat, the vegetable beast handed the fire-breathing gun to the chicken beside it. The chick took the flamethrower and lit a pile of wooden blocks that had been set up at an unknown time, with a big pot hanging on it and water in it. The body of the pot is new, and it is obviously not the original thing in the abandoned factory. But these do not matter, the vegetable beast did not know where to take out a few bottles and cans, slowly to the barbecue fork on the meat seasoning. First salt, then paprika, then pepper and cumin. And the shape of that piece of meat, which they had already recognized, was the comb of the red rooster that had been cut off before. The three chickens looked at the scene, already creepy, scalps burst, cold sweat DC. Although there are many horror movies in which animals go to the jungle to explore, the result is that the semi-evolved beast tribe is hunted down and eaten. But in reality,mobile racking systems, it is unheard of to see the body of an intelligent creature being cooked by a vegetable beast. No, it is still a part of their body. They are just small hoodlums, and it is said that gangsters punish traitors in an extremely cruel way, but when these things are vegetable animals that are used as goods and food, the horror effect will only be worse. The three chickens felt that their legs were weak, and then they saw the vegetable beast look up and look at them. Then she opened her mouth and took a bite of meat. The empty factory was so quiet that she could hear the sound of a needle falling down. Naturally, the sound of her chewing was obvious, as if it was in their ears. #?…… &#” The vegetable beast made another sound, but this time the three chickens would not think it was just a meaningless note. The vegetable beast's eyes were clearly cruel and rational, just like the boss of the gang. Sure enough, the little yellow chicken helped translate: "Mom said that the cockscomb meat is still a little old, but it is too tender and not chewy. If you are ten years younger, it must be the best time to taste." "Wow-" The red rooster was the first to vomit, and part of his body was roasted in front of him to make his liver and gallbladder crack. The pain on the top of the head seems to be more and more clear, people can not ignore. The other two were not much better, cantilever racking system ,asrs warehouse, and then the three chickens, who did not know who, gave a frightened cry, and then, as if receiving a signal, ran away from the door in panic. But when they ran to the door, they were greeted by the huge chains they had just locked. The three chickens tried to unlock the door in a panic, but in the middle of the solution, a huge black reflection appeared on the door, and their figures were taken in. The three chickens turned around and looked at the chicken and the vegetable beast coming with the light on their backs. The vegetable beast was obviously less than their thighs, but the momentum was stronger than the "big man" they had seen so far. No, don't come here. The three chickens huddled together and shivered. The screams of the abandoned factory did not attract the attention of the outside world, because there was no one around. But back inside the factory, the three chickens had been hung upside down by their feet, and not far below them was a pot of boiling and bubbling water. Mom! The water is ready. Little Yellow Chicken Road. Zhu Yang touched his head and said in all earnestness, "Son, you are already a mature son. It's time to shoulder the responsibility of a man.". ” "In the near future, your brother Longlong will go home. He will certainly feel uneasy in a strange environment. Although you are a younger brother, should you help your brother adapt well and dispel his worries at this time?" The little yellow chicken looked as if he had been entrusted with an important task. His sense of responsibility and pride suddenly came to his mind. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mom. I will take good care of my brother and promise not to bully him." Ugh! It's a little difficult for a chicken to bully a dragon from an advanced dungeon. Forget it, this is not the point, Zhu Yang gratified cub sensible, then said: "You see you just back home when you feel uneasy, mother how to comfort you?" "Eat delicious food!" The little yellow chicken raised its wings. Yes! Your brother Longlong will be the same as you, will shrink, the outside will change appropriately, rounding is a snake, what does the snake like to eat? "Eat chicken!" The little yellow chicken raised its wings again. Ok, mom will teach you some chicken dishes today. You should learn them well and show your skills to Longlong. Although the three roosters could not understand Zhu Yang's words, they could understand the words of the little yellow chickens, and they could almost understand the general meaning of the action after listening to half of them. What's more, the cub repeated the words of the vegetable beast in his mouth, nodding and muttering: "Uh-huh!"! Scalding, plucking, disemboweling, chicken blood and chicken giblets can be left to stir-fry with pickled pepper. "Uh-huh!"! Chicken feet are too old, not suitable for stewing, next to this is too thin to boil soup directly, simmering for more than ten hours. Hainan chicken, three cups of chicken, braised chicken, spicy chicken, mom! The weight of three of them can make more than ten tables of whole chicken feast. Zhu Yang nodded with relief and touched its dull hair: "Xiao Ji is really clever. Ok, do the first step first." The little yellow chicken rolled up his sleeves and came to the three chickens with a big pot of boiling water. Three roosters have been scared to urinate, now looking at a few years old children do not feel silly and stupid,drive in racking system, but such a cruel thinking at such an old age, even more creepy. The red rooster screamed in a distorted voice, "Are you crazy?"? You are a chicken. Why do you help the vegetable beast to eat its own kind? ?