After entering the first grade, the child's life changes. Certain requirements begin to be presented to him, new responsibilities and the need for a responsible attitude to study appear. We will analyze how and where to prepare a child for school so that he can quickly adapt to new conditions.  

The level of readiness is determined by the availability of basic knowledge, skills and abilities. What a first grader should know:

Horizon. Where does he live, what are the parent's names, their professions? Distinguish between animals, insects, and fish, as well as trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, and berries. Name the colors of the rainbow.

Intelligence. Find the answer to simple logical problems, the pattern of the arrangement of objects. Name inconsistencies in the picture. Guess riddles.

Letter. Hold the pen and pencil correctly, draw straight, wavy, broken, and parallel lines. Copy an ornament, draw patterns in cells, restore the second part of a symmetrical pattern, write sticks, hooks and arcs.

Reading. Understand what syllables are, the difference between letters and sounds, vowels from consonants, look for a letter in any part of the word.

Mathematics. Count from 0 to 10 in forward and reverse order, count the number of items and decrease them by one or two. Determine which group of objects is larger or smaller, know simple geometric shapes.


If you decide to work with your child at home, be prepared to devote a lot of time to him to be a successful student. Do not get angry or upset when something goes wrong. Your task is to make the preparation process interesting and fun.

How to prepare your child for school on your own:

 use ball games to develop concentration, coordination, and dexterity;

 offer outdoor games in which clear rules must be followed;

 play in the sandbox, sculpt, make crafts - for the development of imagination and fine motor skills;

 read and ask what the child understood from the book, ask to retell;

 buy lego and bricks with which you can teach a child to count and develop spatial thinking;

 play attention games where you need to remember details;

 play lotto and other board games that require attention, concentration, and primary strategy development skills;

 while walking with your child, carefully observe what is happening around you, repeat the names of plants, tell the rules of the road, count cars, etc.

The child should be able to dress independently, lace-up shoes, fasten zippers and buttons. Teach him not to be ashamed to say that he is tired or not feeling well, to ask for help. 


In schools for preschoolers at general educational institutions, classes are taught by primary school teachers. Programs do not take into account the age specifics of children. The educational process is structured in the same way as in elementary school. Usually, children attend 1-2 classes a week and do their homework. It is worth enrolling a child in such courses if you have definitely decided that the child will go to this school and to this teacher.

Remember to send your child in the correct class as per age, because he doesn't even know how old am i today. So you have to make decisions for his future. 

You can send a child from the age of four to specialized courses in preparation for school, which are conducted by children's centers and clubs. Here, the programs are adapted to the age categories of children and are more like a game than boring school activities. This training format is considered the most effective.

How to choose courses for a preschooler:

Find out if the teacher has specialized education, and how long he has been working. Talk to your child's future teacher. Pay attention to the manner of communication, how he formulates thoughts, whether he makes mistakes.

Specify which program is being trained. It is good if the methodology involves learning in a playful way.

Check the schedule and duration of the classes. The load should not be large, otherwise, the child will lose interest in classes. 

Pay attention to how many children are in the group. If there are more than 10 people, the teacher will not have time to devote enough time to everyone.