The Journal of the American Medical Association (Feb 18th 2004; 291; 827-35) has reported a study on 10,000 women over a 17 year period. Women who only took antibiotics one time had a 1.5 times increase in the occurance of breast canceer over those who took none and if they took 25 plus doses during that period of time the risk of getting cancer doubled.
Friendly Bacteria
Few people understand the role of Beneficial Bacteria in the human body and that includes doctors and medical experts.
Beneficial bacteria are crucial to the fight against cancer. They are now proven in research to direct a strong immune system, they digest foreign microbes, yeasts and candida every night while you sleep, and they help release nourishment and essential cancer preventing and cancer fighting compounds from your food. Without them, you are simply not fully equipped to prevent cancer or beat cancer. IT IS THAT SERIOUS.
Some beneficial bacteria even produce sodium butyrate, which causes cancer cells to self-destruct. Yes, Beneficial bacteria are that important, but Drugs and antibiotics kill them off reducing your natural ability to beat cancer. Multi-strained probiotics can at least replace some of the lost billions of your crucial little helpers.
Apart from the fact that antibiotics may well be toxic to brain cells, they also kill many strains of bacteria in the body, including the ones you need; the friendly ones in the gut.
Friendly bacteria? Youve probably heard of acidophilus, or bifidobacteria? Your gut actually contains about 800 different strains, 400 of which have been identified. This is how important they are.  
1. They represent about 85 per cent of your immune system - they stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies. 2. They help to cut up your foods and release important (and anti-cancer) vitamins like biotin, folic acid, B-12 and vitamin K. 3. They help you eliminate carcinogenic hormones and chemicals like estrogen, nitrosamines, cadmium and mercury. 4. They even produce an anti-cancer chemical from your foods. 5. They thrive on whole foods, fibers candida albicans and microbes.
Antibiotics kill most of the bacteria in the body, including the ones you need. At night, friendly bacteria can digest roughly 2.2 kilograms of yeasts and microbes for you.
They are your first line of defence. They have inhabited our bodies since the beginning of time. They help us, and in return we give them a nice cosy place to live. Except we dont anymore. We have broken our lifetime deal with them. We no longer feed them their favourite fiber-rich, whole foods. And we eat too many sugars, drink alcohol and chlorinated water.
We eat foods that contain antibiotics, and most people have taken antibiotics at some time during their lifetime. We polute the precious water that our cells live in with acids from poor diet and stress.
These friendly bacteria thrive in alkaline bodies, but they die in acidic conditions. Candida is also the natural enemy of friendly bacteria, and to make matters worse we feed their enemies. Candida loves sugar and dairy! 
Stress and poor diet can eliminate most friendly bacteria in just a few days, so you are wise anyway to take a daily probiotic.
We can follow the pattern of development of Candida yeast to fungus to cancer below:
1. First the Candida fungi roots itself deep within the various tissues and organs.
2. The fungus then multiplies; the body then responds by attempting to encyst the fungal colonies; the outcome being the formation of neoplasias; a tumor forms around the fungus.
3. Growth both in the surrounding tissue and other areas of the body (metastasis).
4. Progressive exhaustion of the body with consequential total body invasion.
In plain English it means that the Candida Fungus invades an area of the body (usually a weaker organ) and creates for itself a perfect environment in which it can thrive, which in turn causes tumors to be formed, which leads to mutation of cells and cancer.
Candida is Cancer?
Candida expert Chris Woollams says: I recently went to a cancer clinic in the USA, and to the Dove Clinic in the UK. At both I talked to the nurses.
They were unanimous. Every cancer patient they see, man or woman, has bad candida. Whether it is breast cancer, prostate cancer or any other cancer.
Steroids and chemotherapy both heighten the effect of Candida, worsening the cancer cell feeding. Its like throwing babies to the sharks.
The prestigious US magazine Contemporary Oncology as early as April 1993 said: Cancer patients undergoing radio or chemotherapy did not finally succumb to the cancer itself, but to an infestation of candida albicans.