A good marketing plan’s ultimate aim is to achieve conversions. But it is very difficult to attain conversions. It has been found in a research that only 2 to 3 people out of 100 get converted. This report suggests that 97 % of the potential buyers are lost by you. A 5.31 % or greater conversion rate has been attained by 25 % brands and so we can say that there are chances of improvement in the conversion rates. Now I am going to describe about 7 web design hacks that will skyrocket your website conversions.

1. Make the best use of negative spaceYour webpage has empty areas or unused space known as negative space. Always use this space in the best possible way. If you will try to use the negative space by fitting everything into it then it will not be good for your webpage. The visitors visiting your site can have difficulty in reading your content if you overload the webpage with so much information. Instead of converting they can bounce back. Embracing the negative space is necessary so as to avoid this. Divide the big content into smaller parts. For simplifying your message use pictures.

2. Always use the right colors It has been found that the percentage of people who say that after getting attracted with colors they buy the items is 85 %. So, the designers need not to overlook the use of colors while designing a site. It will be good for your webpage to use 4 colors. For CTA use a contrasting color, use a different color for inbound link, a color for background and a color for the text. The chances of the visitors to click on the CTA increases with the use of contrasting color for it. For evoking the prospects’ emotions, the different types of colors play a very important role. So, engage the consumers by stirring their emotions with the use of colors.

3. Use proper navigation The people who visit a site are not so patient. For preventing the visitors from bouncing back and grabbing their attention you have only 8 seconds’ time. In this situation you need to make sure that your site provides smooth navigation. A visitor will click the back button if after visiting your webpage he doesn’t find the desired result quickly. It is necessary that at the header you put the search bar of your site for simplifying the process of navigation. It will help in ensuring that after visiting a site even for the first time the visitor can clearly see the navigation point.

4. Don’t use standard or free templates If you want to test your skills of designing a website then you can try a number of free templates. However, it can be risky for your business if you actually design your site by using these. A large number of people have used standard templates, so if you will use these too then the people visiting your site will think that you have a cheap brand. Go for paid templates that update frequently and are customizable as well as unique.

5. Use animation in your CTA It has been found that conversions increase by 144 % if you will include videos in your CTAs. Also, the conversions boost by 80 % if your CTAs have buttons in them. For influencing the prospects and converting them the animated CTAs play a very good role.

6. Use visuals of high qualityResearch suggests that as compared to any other thing, a visual stimulus attracts the brain to respond quickly. The brain processes 90 % visual information. So, in order to influence the prospects’ decisions, a visual content can be effective. When a user visits a landing page then he sees everything on that page. Therefore, for grabbing his attention use images of high quality only. It will be good to hire a professional photographer for getting the images of high-quality.

7. Your web design needs to be responsive Nowadays the use of mobile phones for surfing the internet has been increased. Today the people prefer to visit most of the sites through mobile phones. So, make a site that is mobile friendly also. This will help in increasing your conversions.

If you want to get the services of web development then it will be good for you to contact a web development company.