Passcert provide you the Dell EMC Unity Solutions E20-393 braindump as well. Passcert provides you the detail of everything that you need to clear your E20-393 certification exam. Passing E20-393 exam is not easy. E20-393 success can only be guaranteed with proper training. At Passcert, there are many resources to passing. In addition, Passcert provide you with high-quality Dell EMC Unity Solutions E20-393 braindump to help you learn more about the examination of information, learning more knowledge of the entire examination, complete your dream of entering the IT Dream!
How to Pass EMC E20-393 exam easily? - Passcert Implementation Engineer E20-393 dumpsShare some Implementation Engineer E20-393 exam questions and answers below.
What is the minimum VMware Hypervisor version a server must be running in order to support the deployment of a UnityVSA system?A. 4.0
B. 5.0
C. 5.5
D. 6.0
Answer: C
A storage administrator is creating a host profile in Unisphere to provide host access to block storage resources using the iSCSI protocol. The host initiators were not automatically discovered and must be manually added.
In addition to the SAN host IQN, what other configuration can be performed through the "Create iSCSI Initiator Wizard" window?
A. Enable and disable CHAP settings
B. Create Mutual CHAP secret
C. Create Global CHAP secret
D. Enter CHAP username and secret
Answer: D
Which software bundles are provided with the Unity Starter software package?
A. FAST Cache and Fast VP
B. Thin Provisioning and Quality of Service
C. Controller-Based Encryption and RecoverPoint Basic
D. FAST Cache and Local Point-in-Time Copies
Answer: A
What describes the LUN Snapshot Copy operation?
A. Parent cannot be a snapshot copy Can only copy a detached snapshot Has an independent Retention Policy from the parent
B. Parent can be a snapshot copy Can only copy a detached snapshot Has an independent Retention Policy from the parent
C. Parent can be a snapshot copy Can copy an attached or detached snapshot Inherits the parent Snapshot Retention Policy
D. Parent cannot be a snapshot copy Can copy an attached or detached snapshot Inherits the parent Snapshot Retention Policy
Answer: B
Which Unity feature provides a high bandwidth connection for large file transfers, enables proactive Service Request generation and usage license reporting, and operates on a 24x7 basis?
A. EMC Service Center
B. Software Licensing Central
C. Unisphere Central
D. EMC Secure Remote Services
Answer: D
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