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Share some IBM Certified Solution Developer C9530-001 exam questions and answers below.
How can WebSphere Service Registry & Repository (WSRR) information be pre-loaded into the IBM Integration Bus (IIB) cache before sending any messages to the message flow?
A. By subscribing to WSRR notifications.
B. Adding predefinedCacheOueries to a custom policy within WSRR.
C. By using the predefinedCacheOueries parameter in the Configurable Services for the broker.
D. WSRR data cannot be loaded into the MB cache without sending a message that accesses the WSRR Node.
Answer: D
What is the first step in creating an IBM Integration Bus (IIB) based pattern?
A. Every new application may require a pattern. So start with creating a pattern project.
B. Identify an exemplar project and the variants to be replaced in the generated instance.
C. Create a Java class that may be used in the pattern generation for changing the default behavior.
D. Investigate how to create eclipse plugin since the IIB patterns are built as eclipse plugins for the toolkit.
Answer: C
When using the set of aggregation nodes, how does a developer tie the fan-out flow with the fan-in flow when it is included within the same message flow?
A. No properties need to be set, since the fan-out and fan-in flows are in the same message flow.
B. Set the Aggregate Name property of the AggregateReply Node to the same value that you set for the Aggregate Name property in the corresponding Collector Node.
C. Set the Aggregate Name property of the AggregateReply Node to the same value that you set for the Aggregate Name property in the corresponding AggregateControl Node.
D. Set the Aggregate Name property of the AggregateReply Node to the same value that you set for the Aggregate Name property on each of the corresponding Aggregate Request Nodes in the fan-out flow.
Answer: B
Which tool allows a configurable service to be imported and exported between systems?
A. Broker Explorer
B. Web User Interface
C. IBM Integration Toolkit
D. IBM Integration Explorer
Answer: C
Which statement about the Cloned node is true?
A. The Cloned node can be used to create reusable templates for Mapping node.
B. The Cloned node can be used to create reusable templates for .NETInput node.
C. The Cloned node can be used to create reusable templates for XSLTransform node.
D. A new Cloned node can be selected from a palette drawer and be assigned properties.
Answer: A
Now there are many IT professionals in the world and the competition of IT industry is very fierce. So many IT professionals will choose to participate in the IT certification exam to improve their position in the IT industry. C9530-001 exam is a very important IBM's certification exam. But if you want to get a IBM certification, you must pass the exam.
Passcert is a very good website for IBM certification C9530-001 test to provide convenience. According to the research of the past exam exercises and answers, Passcert can effectively capture the content of IBM certification C9530-001 test. Passcert IBM Integration Bus v10.0 C9530-001 dumps have a very close similarity with real examination exercises. When you're in pain, it is best to learn things. Learning will make you invincible.