Passcert is a very good website for Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide to provide convenience. According to the research of the past exam exercises and answers, Passcert can effectively capture the content of Microsoft certification MB-330 exam. Passcert Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide have a very close similarity with real examination exercises. All the IT professionals are familiar with the Microsoft MB-330 exam.

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Free Download Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-330 dumps, 100% Pass In Your First Attempt.Passcert has updated the latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide, which is important in your exam preparation.Our Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide assure you passing your MB-330 exam in your first attempt with high scores and become Microsoft Certification certified professional. You can download Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide and start preparing your MB-330 exam.

Share some Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-330 exam questions and answers below.
A company creates several item costing versions. 
All new and existing items have costs associated with them. After applying the costs, the company notices the activation date has not been updated. You need to update the items to the current date for activation. 
What should you do? 
A. Set the item cost record status to Active 
B. Set the from date to today and leave the item cost record status at Pending 
C. Set the item cost record status to Pending 
D. Set the cost price and date of price on the released product 
Answer: A

A company needs to create new items that can be company owned or vendor owned. 
You need to create and set up the items so that they can be used as company owned or consignment. 
What should you do? 
A. Assign a non-stock service item model group 
B. Assign a moving average costing inventory model 
C. Activate batch dimension and assign a standard costing inventory model 
D. Activate owner dimension and assign a standard costing inventory model 
Answer: D

A company has items in inventory with two costing methods: FIFO and Standard. The company needs to calculate the cost of all items at month end and provide a total inventory value to the finance department. 
You need to determine the total value of inventory. 
Which costing method requires running the inventory close? 
A. FIFO and Standard Cost items 
B. FIFO items only 
C. LIFO, Moving Average, and Date Weighted Average items 
D. Standard Cost items only 
Answer: B

A company manufactures and sells speaker boxes. The speaker boxes can be silver or black with a basic or upgraded wiring harness assembly. 
The speaker box must be created in the item master so that the variables for colors and harness type can be assigned at order entry. 
You need to create a new item that supports multiple variables. 
What should you do? 
A. Create a new product. Select predefined variant as the configuration technology. 
B. Create a new product master. Select constraint-based configuration as the configuration technology. 
C. Create a new product. Select constraint-based configuration as the configuration technology. 
D. Create a new product master. Select predefined variant as the configuration technology. 
Answer: D

A company uses trade agreements for their customers. Prices for some customers must round to the nearest US dollar. A customer reports that prices do not round to the nearest US dollar as required. You need to resolve the issue. In Trade agreement journals, which option should you use? 
A. Adjustment 
B. View smart rounding 
C. Validate all lines 
D. Apply smart rounding 
E. Apply smart rounding 
Answer: D
100% pass Microsoft MB-330 Exam with Passcert valid MB-330 dumpsAs one of the hottest exams of Microsoft certification, MB-330 exam is becoming more and more popular in today's IT area. As a Optical certification, it is well known that passing the MB-330 has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Passcert Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide will provide you with questions and verified answers that reflect the actual exam.

How to Pass Microsoft MB-330 exam easily? - Passcert Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-330 dumps

Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide are often regarded as some of the most challenging you will face today. This increases the importance for you to use good quality updated Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study guide as they will provide you with a measure of how you will do in the actual MB-330 exam.