Chronic kidney disease, or CKD, is a considerable health challenge affecting approximately 10% of the world’s population. Along with the consumption of inappropriate diet and faulty lifestyle habits, the asymptomatic nature of CKD in its early stages is also a significant reason behind its prevalence. In this condition, patients can experience a gradual loss of kidney function, often leading patients to seek alternative treatment for kidney failure, like homeopathy. 

The complications of CKD are extensive. It can affect the cardiovascular system and decrease the immune responses of the affected individuals. It can also lower the count of red blood cells and cause fluid retention, leading to swelling in the legs, arms, and feet. 

The purpose of this article is to provide accurate information about early signs and symptoms associated with the condition and discuss treatment strategies so that patients can diagnose this health issue as early as possible and control the progression of the condition with proper chronic kidney disease treatment on time. 

The Kidneys 

Equivalent to the size of our fist, the kidneys are two bean-shaped organs responsible for the filtration of our blood. For this purpose, they have approximately 1 million filtering units known as nephrons. The structural features of these nephrons are a filter known as a glomerulus and a tubule.  The organs are responsible for filtering approximately 150 quarts of blood throughout the day. They also help manage blood pressure and keep bones healthy. 

Chronic kidney disease significantly impacts the functioning of the organ, leading to serious health implications. The disease progresses very slowly, causing very few symptoms. 

Early Symptoms of chronic kidney disease

The condition can lead to the following signs and symptoms; 

Foamy/ bubbly urine 

Urinating more than usual 

Skin can turn itchy and dry

Feeling tired and weak

Loss of appetite 

Unintentional weight loss

Blood in urine

Trouble sleeping

Individuals who are experiencing such signs and symptoms must consult their healthcare providers to gain more knowledge about their renal health. Seeking a homeopathic cure can help them with providing a kidney failure treatment without dialysis. Meanwhile, certain medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure can make you prone to develop chronic kidney disease. If you have such conditions, you might have to get your kidneys checked approximately every 6 months or any time if you start experiencing these symptoms. Below, we have mentioned about such risk factors.

Who is more likely to have chronic kidney disease? 

The following factors can increase your chances of developing CKD; 

Diabetes: Increased glucose levels in the blood are a leading cause of chronic kidney disease. As the condition can significantly damage the blood vessels. 

Blood pressure: High blood pressure, or hypertension, is regarded as the major reason behind the development of CKD in patients. 

Heart diseases: If our heart is not able to pump properly, the blood flow is reduced throughout the body. It can also affect the well-being of our kidneys, leading to serious health issues. 

Family history: Multiple kidney disorders are observed to run in families. Such disorders can cause a lot of damage to the organs with time and can even lead to CKD.

As we all know, prevention is better than cure. Keeping an eye on your diabetes and blood pressure and seeking proper homeopathy kidney problem medication for inherited renal disorders can help you minimize the risk of developing CKD. 

Diagnosis of CKD 

A combination of urine and blood tests can diagnose various kidney conditions. However, sometimes doctors might need to perform certain complex procedures such as biopsy and MRI. Some main tests include 

 Blood tests 

Serum creatinine: In this blood test, doctors try to measure creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is basically a muscle waste product that is filtered by our kidneys. If the kidneys are not working properly, this waste product accumulates in the blood. Patients might need to opt for a high creatinine treatment

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): It is one of the most accurate blood tests for kidney function indicators. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test measures the ability of our kidneys to filter blood. 

Urine tests

Dipstick tests: A dipstick is a special paper strip that changes color when it detects albumin in urine. This test can show if albumin levels are normal or not. 

Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR): A UACR test checks the levels of albumin and creatinine present in your urine. A normal UACR level is below 30 mg/g. If the UACR level is 30 mg/g or higher, it may suggest a need for chronic kidney disease treatment

Kidney biopsy: In this procedure, a small amount of kidney tissue is removed from the body and observed under a microscope. It can help us determine the cause behind the impaired kidney function.

A doctor usually starts the diagnosis by performing certain blood and urine tests. The diagnostic procedure highly depends on the symptoms experienced by the patient and their specific health condition.   Once you have confirmed that your kidneys are damaged, you must start taking an appropriate cure for chronic kidney disease

Treatment Options 

Homeopathy implements safe and comprehensive medical strategies for stimulating the body’s natural capabilities for the effective treatment of chronic kidney disease.  The main focus of homeopathic practitioners is to identify and treat the underlying cause behind the development of the condition. 

Along with this, homeopathic remedies are also helpful in easing the symptoms.  In fact, homeopathy is the only medical system providing kidney failure treatment without dialysis. If you are in search of experienced homeopathic practitioners for your kidney problems, Bharat Homeopathy has a team of kidney specialists who have years of experience in providing a natural cure.