Highly effective treatment for chronic kidney disease

A patient can experience gradual and long-term kidney damage in chronic kidney disease. The condition can affect the ability of the organs to perform their functions efficiently. Depending on the severity, the disease can be classified into five different stages. The treatment approach highly depends upon the stages and other medical complications related to the health of the patients. Adopting an effective cure for kidney disease as early as possible can help slow its advancement.

Stages of CKD

With the help of various  kidney function tests, doctors can determine the stage of your ckd. The disease can be classified into the  following stages; 

Stage 1 CKD: eGFR of 90 or higher and uACR of 30 or more increased, indicating kidney damage for three months or more. Patients might seek proper urea, gfr, and high creatinine treatment to minimize the progression. 

Stage 2 CKD: eGFR of 60-89 and uACR of 30 or higher, indicating kidney damage and decreased efficiency.

Stage 3a CKD: eGFR of 45-59, indicating mild to moderate loss of renal function for three months or more.

Stage 3b CKD: eGFR of 30-44, indicating moderate to severe issues in the organ for three months or even more.

Stage 4 CKD: eGFR of 15-29, indicating extreme loss of kidney function.

Stage 5 CKD: eGFR of less than 15, indicating the necessity of treatment for kidney failure

Complications associated with the condition 

The condition can cause the following complications; 

Blood in urine

The foamy texture of the urine

Loss of appetite 

Nausea and vomiting

Persistent itching 

Frequent UTIs

Swelling in the legs, feet, and hands due to fluid accumulation

Treatment options for the condition

There is no single chronic kidney disease treatment suitable for every patient. The condition affects every individual differently and requires a unique treatment approach as per the needs of the patient. Broadly, the treatment can be divided into working on three aspects;

Developing good lifestyle habits

Making certain changes in your diet

Being consistent with your medical plan

Let us have an individual look at all the three aspects.

Developing good lifestyle habits to manage CKD

Keep blood pressure in check: Make sure your blood pressure stays at the doctor's recommended level.  

Engage in physical activity: Regular exercise can help improve blood pressure and manage weight.  

Limit alcohol: Try to have no more than one drink per day, as suggested by health experts.  It is even better to stop consuming alcohol at all. 

Quit smoking: If you smoke, quit this habit as soon as you can.  

Follow medication instructions: Take all your natural medicines of high creatinine treatment exactly as your doctor says.  

Manage your weight: If you're overweight, work on losing some pounds.  

Control cholesterol: Keep your cholesterol levels where they should be. If they're high, you might need to exercise more and eat less fat.  

Check blood sugar: If you have diabetes, regularly check your blood sugar and use that information to make choices about food, exercise, and medication. 

Dietary tips for kidney patients

Eat different fruits and vegetables: Try to have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, making them about one-third of your meals.  

Eat more starchy foods: These foods give you energy. Choose wholegrain options like wholemeal bread, brown rice, and wholewheat pasta.  

Watch your protein intake: How much protein you need depends on your size, activity, and health. Not enough protein can weaken your skin, hair, and nails, while too much can strain your kidneys. Speak with your doctor or dietitian to find the right amount for you.  

Limit phosphorus and potassium: If your kidneys are not working well, you may need to eat less phosphorus and potassium. Your doctor can check your blood and help you change your diet.  

Watch your fluid intake: Keep track of all the fluids you drink, including water, tea, coffee, juice, milk, alcohol, ice, soup, and any water needed for homeopathy kidney problem medication.

Medical assistance for CKD

These above-mentioned lifestyle and dietary changes can definitely benefit alongside the cure, but seeking proper chronic kidney disease treatment is essential for the affected patients. Otherwise, their kidney health will keep on declining and ultimately fail.  Out of all the medical strategies available, homeopathy is considered to be one of the most effective methodologies to cure the condition from its roots. 

Benefits of homeopathy in kidney disease treatment 

Symptom management: Homeopathy addresses the symptoms of renal diseases in a comprehensive manner. Remedies can help alleviate fatigue, edema, urinary issues, and other discomforts, thereby enhancing the patient’s overall well-being.

Kidney health improvement: Homeopathy kidney problem medication is believed to enhance kidney function by aiding in the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body. This may lead to improved functioning of the organ and potentially slow the progression of the disease.

If you are in search of an effective homeopathic clinic for your kidney disease, Bharat Homeopathy is one of India’s leading homeopathic hospitals with its natural, safe, and side-effect-free treatment plan. With extensive knowledge and expertise, the professionals provide exceptional guidance and support, ensuring the highest level of attention and kidney failure treatment without dialysis. Bharat Homeopathy is dedicated to offering compassionate care, which includes not only prescribing medication but also closely monitoring and following up with patients.