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SAP C_S4PPM_2021 exam consists of 80 questions and has a time limit of 180 minutes. C-S4PPM-2021 exam is available in English and Japanese languages and is administered by SAP. The passing score for C-S4PPM-2021 exam is 64%, and the certification is valid for three years.

Taking the SAP C-S4PPM-2021 exam can provide a number of benefits to professionals in the field. For one, it can help boost their career prospects by demonstrating their knowledge and expertise in portfolio and project management using SAP S/4HANA. Additionally, the certification can help individuals stand out in a competitive job market and increase their earning potential.

SAP C-S4PPM-2021 certification exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills of individuals in the area of SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Management. Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Management certification is intended for professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in managing portfolios and projects using the SAP S/4HANA platform. Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Management certification exam covers various topics, such as project planning and execution, portfolio management, resource management, and financial management.

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SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Management Sample Questions (Q74-Q79):

What are valid breakdown period for financial planning in portfolio management?
NOTE: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. YearsB. monthsC. DaysD. Weeks

Answer: A,B

How do you make a decision point field a required field for a specific portfolio item?

A. Make the filed a required field for the combination point and assign the item and decision point in customizing for the portfolio typeB. Make the field a require field for the combination of decision point and portfolio type in customizing for the item typeC. Make the filed a required field for the combination of the item and decision point in customizing for the portfolio typeD. Make the filed a required field for the decision point and assign the item type to the portfolio In customizing

Answer: C

You staff a resource to a project.
Where is the default authorization for the resource defined?

A. In customizing for role typesB. In the projectC. In the project templateD. In customizing for role functions

Answer: A

You have assigned two resources to the same role resource 1 to calendar week 10 and resource 2 to calendar week 11. You want to re-assign resource 2 to calendar week 10 bar the system does not allow you to do so.
What could be a reason for the system behavior?

A. The role demand for the timeframe is too lowB. The assigned effort for either of the resource assigned is to highC. The flexible Assignment indicator is active for the rile type in customizingD. The edit in parallel indicator is inactive for the role type in customizing

Answer: D

A WBS element has been created automatically for a project management project. A change is made to the organizational unit of the project definition.
When is the master data of the internal order updated with the change?

A. Upon release of the WBS elementB. Upon the next transferC. Upon the next cost planning runD. Upon release of the project

Answer: B


Learning knowledge is not only to increase the knowledge reserve, but also to understand how to apply it, and to carry out the theories and principles that have been learned into the specific answer environment. The Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Management exam dumps are designed efficiently and pointedly, so that users can check their learning effects in a timely manner after completing a section. Good practice on the success rate of C-S4PPM-2021 Quiz guide is not fully indicate that you have mastered knowledge is skilled, therefore, the C-S4PPM-2021 test material let the user consolidate learning content as many times as possible, although the practice seems very boring, but it can achieve the result of good consolidate knowledge.

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