Fear of intimacy is rising in younger men, especially between the age of 20-40, and it can prevent them from sharing a close relationship with their partner and make it difficult for them to connect to them physically and emotionally.


People often assume that people, especially men avoid intimacy because they don't want to commit or get tied down to one person. Yes, that can be a reason for intimacy avoidance or avoidance anxiety, but it is not always the case. There are several times when these men want to enjoy a physical and emotional bond with their partner, but they are not able to have it due to certain things holding them back.


There are different areas in which a person may have difficulty in connecting with their partner, for instance, a person who has fear of intellectual intimacy will have trouble in sharing their ideas, and thoughts with their partner, but they won't have any problem in bonding physically. In the same way, a person suffering from the fear of physical anxiety will avoid getting close physically even when they have no problem in sharing their innermost feelings. 


Let's look through the few reasons that could be the main cause of fear of intimacy in men and how people can deal with them for improving their relationships.


Fear of Abandonment and Rejection:


Many men are afraid to connect with their partners due to the fear that they will be hurt if their partner abandons them or rejects them.


Young men who have had difficult childhood where they may have felt abandoned by the loss of a parent due to divorce or death for any other reason may be afraid that their partner may leave them.


A person with a history of relationships where someone cheated on them or abandoned them may also have those fears which they bring into the new relationship.


A man may be afraid of rejection if they think that their partner is out of their league or if they feel that they are good enough for them or they find it difficult to believe that their dream-person is with them. Men with poor self-esteem and self-image issues often have a deep-rooted fear of rejection which may be dealt with professional help from a counselor.


People with poor body image issues will also have trouble connecting with the partner physically. Such fears can be a result of excessive body weight or a lack of confidence in their looks, and it can also be due to sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction, or worrying about their sexual prowess to an unhealthy degree.


The great news about fear of intimacy due to sexual dysfunction is that they are medical conditions that can be treated, for instance, there are medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, Vilitra 20 and Vidalista 20 which you can use for getting relief from these conditions, if your condition requires higher dosages, you will also find Vilitra 40 and Vidalista 60 for your treatment and shed away the fear you have about your erectile functions.


You can also go to a relationship counsellor, and a man can go for individual sessions as well as group sessions with their therapist which can involve talk therapy. 


If your fear of intimacy concerns the physical activities primarily then you may want to see a sex therapist who may recommend medications such as Suhagra 100 for your treatment if your fear springs from erectile dysfunction or focus on talk therapy to deal with your personal issues.