Every month of the year comes with another threatening and active shooter incident news that creates panic and fear amongst the civilians. Shooters fearlessly take place even in broad daylight and so many cases are evidence that such active shooter events are becoming common with each passing day. Therefore, you need to learn basic advanced techniques to respond when you get stuck in an active shooter situation. Hence, this is the time when Civilian Active Shooter Training comes into play to help the masses so they can safeguard themselves in any threatful situation. Still, wonder how a civilian should respond to active shooter events? Let’s shine a light on the below available tips, it would help you to understand them deeply and precisely.

Run, Hide And Fight

Learn this mantra, Run, Hide and Fight. These are the basic and easy-to-remember actions even when you are in an undeniable panic situation. “Run, associated with the evacuation step, Hide defines that you need to find a shelter where you can shield yourself, and lastly that should take place in the worst scenario only is the fight, when you are no longer capable to find another way to save yourself than fight to save your life.

Furthermore, there is no need to take these steps in order, which step should come and which in the end depend on the environment and resources. For instance, you can’t always find the route to evacuate or there is no guarantee that you will find enough broad shield where you can cover yourself. Hence, firstly examine the situation and then take action accordingly.

Stay Calm And Carry On

Our mind gets blocked and stops thinking when it finds something dangerous and fearful. But, it always walks on the path where you want to let it walk. If you stay calm and think deeply about what action should be taken in this particular situation then you may become successful in saving life and lives. Just try your best to keep your own mind and everyone around calm. It will help you to avoid shooters' attention from you. There is a popular saying that calm is as contagious as panic, if anyone around you sees that you are panicking they will panic automatically. Hence, instead of creating fear around, focus on working as a team by making the right strategies.

However, there is always something that can be your weapon and you can be doing to enhance your security, safety, and lifespan when you have to face such a situation. But, there is a lot that you can do to prepare yourself to face these kinds of threatful events without letting yourself harm. For instance, learning the tactics of Civilian Response to Active Shooter situations would be a great step towards your life safety.

By keeping all factors and requirements of Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events, Defender School is there to teach you all the advanced techniques to ensure your safety in such threatening situations. Visit their official website now to explore more benefits now or anytime.