Suppose, you are the owner of a well maintained organization. Now there are some staff in your daily routine that can be done using software and an internet connection from anywhere. And neither you want to burden your regular staff with this additional work load nor you want to hire someone permnently. Here comes the benefit of remote staffing. Find someone willing to do your job, who has required qualification and start recruiting.

First let me tell you what it is?

You are the owner of a small or large business and thinking about improving work efficiency and productivity but don't want anything permanent. Then you hire someone temporarily who is likely to work outside of a traditional work environment. That is remote working. This type of work goes beyond location as it enables workers to choose their preferable working hours.

 What are the benefits of it ?

Companies generally hire remote staff for a particular set of periods based on a contract. When the work is done the contract is considered completed. Today this concept has become so popular that even large companies are hiring remote staff to get their job done. 

The benefits of are  -

Reduce office cost - If you hire a permanent team of in house professionals you have to deal with the additional costs of office lease, utility bills, furniture's and other additional requirements. Instead you can hire a remote worker from DrCatalyst and save extra money when there is no need for waisting additional office space.

Access global talent - When a company is based on a particular location they hire their employees from the same place. This restricts the company from the opportunity to hire the best talent. They might not be from the same location and therefore can't be a part of the project. Whereas in recruiting remote staff there is no location barrier. You can hire anyone from anywhere and improve your company's growth.

Employee turnover cost - While hiring an employee, you have to provide necessary training, and have to nurture them until they become a company asset is a long term process which involves huge costs. But with DrCatalyst you can choose the right experienced candidate for the role, saving you a lot of time and money down the lane. 

Timely Services - The remote workers of your organization promise to be available for you at any time. Without wasting your time and resources, we provide you the exact manpower required for your company. 

What are the benefits of remote working for employees?

Freedom and flexibility - As a remote worker you have the freedom to work in your comfort zone. You organize your working hours based on your schedule. It helps to develop trust between employers and employees, improving work culture. Working remotely gives you the power to balance your work and life allowing you to feel in command of your life. Here you can work sitting at your home desk or while traveling or from anywhere you want. You don't have to be present in your office regularly. As long as you have a stable internet connection you have your office with you.

Reduce costs - While going for a job you have travel expenses, lunch, co workers present, outfits and other expenses to keep in mind. The Nexus HR service helps you with the trouble and saves all the costs helping you to make savings and future plans.


We all know the world is facing a tough situation from the

last two years due to covid pandemic. In this situation the urgency of remote working has increased rapidly. Apart from the above domain there is a huge demand found in Remote Medical Staffing, Healthcare Social Media Management and medical transcription service companies. We are here to provide all remote workers associated with the medical field.outsourcing means hiring other company services for a period of time to complete work on any selected tasks or projects.

Remote Staffing vs. Outsourcing. What's the difference?

Outsourcing is hiring other company services for a period of time to complete work on any selected tasks or projects. They are contracted to deliver a particular outcome or number of hours. The relationship is usually managed through a single point of contact. 

On the other hand, remote staff members are an extension of your existing team, and are a valuable part in your company culture and processes. They are useful in case you want to externalize repetitive work such as data entry, reporting, customer support, data transcription, or data curation for machine learning. These remote teams are totally managed by you, as an extension of your in-office team.

So, there is no need to worry about getting your job done. The solution is here. Approach through DrCatalyst and start Remote Staffing.