Examgood Avaya 7591X certification training exam provides you everything you will need to take your 7591X exam. The Examgood 7591X Avaya questions,Avaya ACIS 7591X real dumps are researched and produced by professional certification experts who are constantly using industry experience to produce precise, and logical. It helps to get all benefits in life, as it will be helpful for the jobseekers. The Avaya exam is giving all the features for securing the best jobs in the information technology sectors. The Avaya Mobility Networking Solutions Integration Exam are provided for the persons who want to become a professional.
Share some ACIS 7591X exam questions and answers below.
Which three settings need to be configured on Ignition Server and Guest Manager before integration? (Choose three.)
A. SOAP setting/port number on Ignition Server
B. Guest Manager RADIUS
C. Provisioner setting
D. Guest Manager Appliance settings
E. An email server
Answer: A,B,D
Which two mechanisms are used by Ignition Server to authenticate and authorize users and devices connected in the network? (Choose two.)
A. MAC Authentication
B. IP address
C. IEEE 802.1x
D. IEEE 802.1c
Answer: A,C
In Identity Engines, where are PEAP/EAP-MSCHAPv2 Authentication mechanisms configured?
A. In the Authenticator
B. In the Dashboard Access policy
C. In the Posture profiles
D. In the Authentication Policy
Answer: D
Which Identity Engines components allows non-IT engineers to create temporary access accounts for guests?
A. Ignition Guest Access portal
B. Ignition Guest Manager
C. Ignition Access portal
D. Ignition Access Manager
Answer: B
As a Network Administrator you need to generate reports highlighting data from a number of Access Points, numbers of User logins, number of failed logins, and user bandwidth.
Which Avaya application is used to complete this task?
A. Guest Manager
B. Ignition Server
C. Log Manager
D. Ignition Analytics
Answer: D
Which statement describes an Ignition Server?
A. It is used for different types and kinds of guests account provisioning and management.
B. It is the virtual OVA Appliances based software Authenticator in form of a Web-Portal.
C. It is the virtual OVA Appliance and RADIUS based Policy Engine with Identity Routing to Directory Services.
D. It is the Configuration Software Tool for ID Engines Ignition Server.
Answer: C
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