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Examgood can not only save you valuable time, but also make you feel at ease to participate in the exam and pass it successfully. Recently, Examgood has developed the newest training solutions about the popular HP certification HPE2-E65 exam, including some pertinent HPE2-E65 HP HPE Sales Certified exam dumps online that will help you consolidate related knowledge and let you be well ready for HPE2-E65 Selling HPE Enterprise Solutions exam.
Share some HPE Sales Certified HPE2-E65 exam questions and answers below.
For which type of company should you suggest HPE Moonshoot?
A. Companies that are highly focused on big data
B. Companies that need a server that is optimized tor specialized workloads such as media processing.
C. Small businesses that want a bundled Converged System solution
D. Companies that need servers which are designed for virtualization density
Answer: D
What type of stronge architecture do customers need in order to sport a private cloud or a hybrid cloud solution?
A. One that is flexible for different uses
B. On that is embedded with proprietary cloud management technologies.
C. On that is controlled by a dedicated storage management interface.
D. One that is defined by the underlying hardware.
Answer: D
Which qualifying question could you ask to validate the opportunity for selling HPE OneView?
A. Have you considered a server solution that can be integrated as a snap-in to the HP networking management tool Intelligent Management Center (IMC)?
B. Does your company need an industry-standard solution that validates wireless and wired user login requests?
C. Do you need a comprehensive Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solution that enable selfregistration for guest users?
D. Have you considered a converged solution that spans servers, storage, and network and both physical virtual resources?
Answer: D
How does the trend of customers moving to cloud solutions increase your sales opportunities?
A. You can batter focus on selling customers traditional infrastructure in the areas unaffected by cloud, compute and storage.
B. You can offer a promotion in which you buy back customers’ infrastructure in return for a discount on PHE public cloud services.
C. You can warn customers of the dangers of implementing cloud services, winning a role as a trusted advisor.
D. You can offer a hybrid solution that keeps some workloads on-premise, based on the customers’ unique needs.
Answer: D
Which HPE solution family is designed to meet the need for Big Data and high performance computing (HPC)?
B. HPE Moonshot
C. HPE ProLiant
D. HPE Integrity
Answer: A
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