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Share some CCNP 300-115 exam questions and answers below.
A network engineer deployed a switch that operates the LAN base feature set and decides to use the SDM VLAN template. The SDM template is causing the CPU of the switch to spike during peak working hours.
What is the root cause of this issue?
A. The VLAN receives additional frames from neighboring switches.
B. The SDM VLAN template causes the MAC address-table to overflow.
C. The VLAN template disables routing in hardware.
D. The switch needs to be rebooted before the SDM template takes effect.
Answer: C
Which statement describes?one major issue that VTP can cause in an enterprise network when a new switch is introduced in the network in VTP mode server?
A: It can cause network access ports to go into err-disabled state.
B: It can cause a network-wide VLAN configuration change if the revision number on the new switch is higher.
C: It can cause a network-wide VLAN configuration change if the revision number on the new switch is lower.
D: It can cause routing loops.
Answer: B
For client server failover purposes, the application server team has indicated that they must not have the standard 30 second delay before their switchport enters a forwarding state. For their disaster recovery feature to operate successfully, they require the switchport to enter a forwarding state immediately.
Which spanning-tree feature satisfies this requirement?
A. Rapid Spanning-Tree
B. Spanning-Tree Timers
C. Spanning-Tree FastPort
D. Spanning-Tree PortFast
E. Spanning-Tree Fast Forward
Answer: D
Interfaces are assigned to a VLAN, and then the VLAN is deleted. Which state are these interfaces in after the VLAN is deleted?
A: They remain up, but they are reassigned to the default VLAN.
B: They go down until they are reassigned to a VLAN.
C: They go down, but they are reassigned to the default VLAN.
D: They remain up, but they are reassigned to the native VLAN.
Answer: B
A network engineer must adjust the STP interface attributes to influence root port selection.
Which two elements are used to accomplish this? (Choose two.)
A. port-priority
B. cost
C. forward-timers
D. link type
E. root guard
Answer: AB
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