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Share some CCNP Wireless 300-360 exam questions and answers below.
An 802.11n implementation is being discussed. Users are satisfied with the potential 300-450 Mbps throughput of new 802.11n APs. Which three bandwidth requirements are used to calculate per client bandwidth through an 802.11n AP network? (Choose three.)
A. 450 Mbps throughput is the client max for 5-GHz radio.
B. Channel bonding on 5 GHz is required for a client to have a 300 Mbps WiFi link.
C. 300 Mbps throughput is the client max for 2.4-GHz radio.
D. The remaining bandwidth is divided per device when more clients are connected to one AP.
E. 100 Mbps Ethernet switch port is a potential bottleneck.
F. CleanAir helps clear noise for 802.11n channel bonding to work.
Answer: A,C,E
Which two options describe best practices that must be completed after a wireless installation is finished? (Choose two.)
A. Make sure that there are no spaces between the devices on the rack that the Wireless Lan Controller isinstalled.
B. Consult with the customer to ensure that the IT staff has a complete set of design and installationdocuments.
C. Make sure the customer is aware that they should consider purchasing a support contract immediately afterthe installation is complete.
D. Spend time with the customer to show them the controller GUI and inform them how they can reach theCisco TAC if they have any problems.
E. Test all the customer’s wireless devices and applications to ensure they are working properly.
Answer: B,E
An engineer is planning for a 24 Mbps data rate for a new installation. What is the coverage area from the AP if the environment and other factors are not taken into consideration?
A. 225 feet
B. 80 feet
C. 150 feet
D. 100 feet
Answer: B
An engineer must design wireless coverage in thick-walled stairwells. Which information should the engineer refer to when determining where APs can be installed?
A. Local or National Building Code
D. Cisco Hardware Installation Guide
Answer: A
An engineer is performing a predictive wireless design for a medical treatment environment, which requires data and voice services. Which of the following is a requirement for the design?
A. overlapping -72 dBm coverage from two access points
B. overlapping -67 dBm coverage from two access points
C. continuous -67 dBm coverage from one access point
D. continuous -72 dBm coverage from one access point
Answer: C
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