There are many legal matters that can arise in a divorce, including child custody, child support, spousal maintenance and Alimony Pendente Lite (APL), and division of marital property.

Your first meeting with your lawyer is an important opportunity to assess his or her expertise and experience in these areas. It is also a chance to set expectations for the rest of your case, including communications with your attorney by phone and email, fees and costs and overall case strategy.

First Meeting with Your Lawyer

The first meeting with your lawyer is an important step in the divorce process. It’s the place where you can set your expectations for the case and talk about what your goals are for a successful outcome.

Your lawyer will explain the legal process for issues such as child custody, child support, spousal support and Alimony Pendente Lite (APL), and division of assets. Your lawyer will also answer your questions about the procedure and timeline for resolving your case.

A good divorce attorney will put you at ease and take the time to listen and answer your questions. This first meeting is your chance to assess if you’re comfortable with this person and whether they have the right skills for your situation.

A divorce is often difficult, stressful and emotional. During this initial meeting, your lawyer can provide resources to help you work through the emotional aspects of the situation.


It can be difficult to document every incident that happens during your divorce, but it’s a good idea to collect as much information as you can about all the major issues. This will help your lawyer better represent your case in court and limit any clutter or confusion down the road.

One of the most important areas to document is financial assets and debts. These will be used to determine equitably the distribution of community property in your divorce.

These include income tax returns, pay stubs and bank statements. They should be presented going back several years to provide a baseline of income from each party.

Health insurance documentation is also crucial for your divorce lawyer to see. This will help them determine if the spouse who holds the health insurance is entitled to it in your divorce.

Debts like credit cards and vehicle loans are another area of concern. These should be documented with statements showing account names, numbers and lending institutions, as well as the current balances on each card.

Prioritizing Your Goals

Prioritizing your goals is the first step in planning how you’ll achieve them. It helps you determine which tasks will make the biggest impact on your life and business, and allows you to set a timeline for them.

One of the most common methods for prioritizing tasks is the Eisenhower matrix, which categorizes objectives by their urgency and importance. This helps you determine which tasks will need to be completed immediately and which can wait for later.

Once you’ve decided which goals are most important to you, it’s important to reassess them regularly to ensure they remain on track. This helps you avoid falling behind or getting bogged down in the day-to-day.

Keeping your priorities in check is essential for a successful divorce case. It can help you avoid distractions, keep up with your daily responsibilities, and stay on top of your work. It also helps you make better decisions about your time and energy, which can lead to greater success in the future.


Communication between a client and their Werribee divorce lawyer is one of the most important parts of any legal relationship. Having effective communications between your attorney and you will allow you to make informed decisions about your case, as well as provide your divorce lawyer with the information they need to best represent you and your family.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to communication is that you should be open and honest with your divorce lawyer at all times. This includes asking questions, providing documentation and being truthful about your financial status and marital assets.

A good Werribee divorce lawyer will make you feel at ease and will take care of all of the details for you. For example, your lawyer will hand you paperwork to fill out - the most basic of which is a required legal document containing questions about you and your spouse that need to be answered. Having this document turned in on time is crucial for any legal matter.