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Successful completion of the Manufacturing Cloud Professional exam leads to certification as a Manufacturing Cloud Accredited Professional. This certification demonstrates that the individual has the knowledge and skills necessary to implement Manufacturing Cloud solutions and drive successful outcomes for their organization. It also enhances the individual's professional credibility and opens up new career opportunities in the manufacturing industry.
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Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Accredited Professional Exam Sample Questions (Q55-Q60):NEW QUESTION # 55
When Using the Time Period filter on a sales agreement record page, Which options are available?
Answer: A
How does the time series projection feature in Tableau CRM for manufacturing provide data insights?
Answer: C
This feature enables businesses to compare the actual performance of their accounts against their sales goals and identify areas where additional effort is needed to maximize revenue. Additionally, this feature can help businesses identify and analyze trends in their sales performance over time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their sales strategy.
Which Manufacturing Cloud function has an out-of-the-box Submit for Approval quick action?
Sales Agreements
Answer: A
Which Calculation Method can calculate a benefit structure on a total quantity of 150 units, where the first 100 units earn $0 per unit and the next 50 units earn $10 per unit?
Answer: A
Which method can be used to calculate Actuals for sales agreements?
Answer: A
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