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To pass the Nokia 4A0-116 exam, candidates must demonstrate their ability to plan, design, and implement segment routing solutions using Nokia routers. They must also be able to troubleshoot issues related to segment routing and provide effective solutions. This certification exam is an excellent way for networking professionals to validate their skills and knowledge of Nokia Segment Routing technology and to enhance their career prospects in the rapidly evolving networking industry.

Nokia Segment Routing Exam Sample Questions (Q26-Q31):

Which of the following statements about path definitions is FALSE?

A. A loose hop is one that does not have to be directly adjacent to the previous hop in the path listB. Once a path is associated with an LSP, it cannot be used by other LSPs.C. The path hops can be defined by either the system or physical interface IP address.D. In addition to the hops defined in the path list, the head-end and tail-end routers are implicitly added.

Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT one of the main goals of traffic engineering?

A. Utilizing redundant links.B. Defining traffic paths based on various constraints.C. Avoiding potential congestion points in the network.D. Using the shortest possible path through the network to the destination.

Answer: D

Examine the exhibit. Based upon the configuration, which routers will the LSP go through?

A. R1, R3, R2, R5, R4 and R6B. R1, R2, R5 and R6C. R1, R3, R4 and R6D. R1, R2, R4 and R6

Answer: C

Which of the following list of SR-TE attributes has to be advertised among routers?

A. Administrative groups that each link belongs to, TE metric of links, bandwidth availability of each link, SRLG that each link belongs to.B. Administrative groups that each link belongs to, TE metric of links, bandwidth availability of each link, SRLG that each link belongs to, link status up/down.C. Administrative groups that each link belongs to, TE metric of links, SRLG that each link belongs to.D. Administrative groups that each link belongs to, TE metric of links, SRLG that each link belongs to, link status up/down.

Answer: A

In SR-TE, routers need to advertise certain attributes of their links to other routers in the network in order to calculate traffic-engineered paths. These attributes include:
Administrative groups that each link belongs to: This information is used to restrict the use of certain links to specific traffic types or groups.
TE metric of links: This information is used to calculate the cost of using a particular link for a traffic-engineered path.
Bandwidth availability of each link: This information is used to control the amount of traffic that can be sent over a particular link.
SRLG that each link belongs to: This information is used to avoid routing over the same physical link. Link status up/down is not needed to be advertised as it is part of the IGP protocol and is used to check the reachability of a link.

Based on the exhibit, which of the following statements about fast re-route for flex-algo instance 129 is TRUE?

A. Standard LFA and remote-LFA are enabled on router R1; standard LFA and TT-LFA are enabled on router R2.B. Standard LFA and remote-LFA are enabled on router R1; fast re-route is not enabled on router R2.C. Only standard LFA is enabled on router R1; fast re-route is not enabled on router R2.D. Only standard LFA is enabled on both routers R1 and R2.

Answer: B


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