A prospective employer wants to know your background now - do you?

The background verification of an applicant confirms his or her employment claims. This process verifies their attendance and degrees from high schools, colleges, and vocational schools.

Do you have questions about working with a background check company to perform employment checks? We can help! You'll find everything you need to know about the process as well as how to make it as easy as possible.

    Background Checks Are Needed for Everyone in the WorkplaceEmployee background verification checks are important because every new employee poses a risk to the business, despite offering opportunities for productivity. To keep their businesses productive, profitable and smooth, most employers conduct background checks, pre-employment.       Two Things to Note:65% of employers cite better hiring quality as the top benefit of background checks. Employers attribute an improved level of safety and security to their screening programs 54% of the time How Do You Conduct a Background Check on Employees?To conduct a proper and legal employee background check for profile verification, you can follow these steps:

     1. Ensure Consistency in Policy

Recruiters can use this document to know what should happen next in the background check process. The company could also encounter legal issues if some employees' background checks are not conducted properly.

      2. Obtain Legal Advice

Background checks may contain sensitive and private information about a candidate. Making that information public could create legal issues. It is therefore recommended that you consult a lawyer.

      3. Contact The Candidates as Well

It is possible that the information one can get from a background check could be incorrect or half-true. You should give the candidates the opportunity to explain themselves if anything fishy comes up. There may be a qualified candidate on your list who was overlooked due to human error.

  What Should be Included in an Employee Background Check?

The following are some of the things that an employer looks for:

Driving Record

If you have the candidate's permission, you can run a driving check for background check to find out whether they have a safe driving record. The results of a driving check include:

Drunk driving

Verdicts, fines, and convictions for traffic violations

Record points for driving

Accidents on the road

Driver's license status

Registering a vehicle

2. Credit history

 A background check must need a person’s credit check. A credit check looks at the applicant's credit history.

3. Record-checking

 Performing a background check on an employee is most important when it comes to criminal records. This is done whenever a company needs to know if a candidate had prior criminal history. 

4. Identification number

An investigation of the social security number indicates that the information  provided is truthful.

5. Educational records

It is necessary to check the education verification for employment of the candidate to determine if the candidate has graduated. This process is primarily used to confirm or deny a candidate's application for a post.

9. Descriptions of characters

Investigating consumer reports commonly includes character references. During this check, the recruiter asks about the person's attitude, personality, and social behavior.

Records of medical care

The medical records you have contain your medical history and any treatment you may have received in the past.

Ownership of property

Employers do not check the assets very often, but a property ownership record check puts forward all the properties under the name of the applicant.


During this background check, open-ended questions are asked in order to understand how the employee would work and fit in the environment.

What Information Cannot be Included in the Background Check?

Bankruptcy reports ten years ago

Judgments and suits from 7 years ago

Tax liens of 7 years paid

7 years of collection accounts

Other types of negative information (except criminal convictions) from 7 years before

         Background Checks Must be Performed by Whom?

Employment verification background check has a specialty of many third-party organizations. The organization checks for a wide range of items. If you need a detailed character reference, you might want to hire a private investigator. Corporations hire third-party agencies to conduct background checks on their candidates.

 The Bottom LineIt is not easy to find an honest and trustworthy employee. It might benefit your company, however, to check a candidate's background before confirming Read More…..