Simply put, the term critical/intensive care refers to medical support for critically ill/injured patients. This special care helps increase the likelihood of patients’ survival. ICU (intensive care unit)/ CCU (critical care unit) has a high-quality clinical setup that strives to improve health conditions in the best way possible.

For ICU/CCU patients, a specially-trained medical team ensures constant monitoring. Different types of health conditions require immediate treatment. And to provide patients with that assistance, they’re given specialized treatments by specialists. In order to consult a critical care medicine doctor, reach out to the leading multi-specialty nursing home in Siliguri.


Heart Attack

In this blog, you see some of the health conditions that need intensive care:

·       Heart Attack

·       Stroke

·       Kidney Failure

·       Heart Failure

·       Respiratory Failure

·       Accidents

·       Sepsis

Let’s discuss these conditions individually:

1. Heart Attack

The accumulation of cholesterol/fat over time results in plaque build-up in the coronary arteries. If this situation remains untreated may cause a heart attack due to blocked blood flow to the heart. Without a shadow of a doubt, a heart attack is a medical emergency that denotes it requires fast clinical assistance.

2. Stroke

Access to prompt medical assistance is urgent for patients with stroke. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain gets disturbed severely. A lack of oxygen-rich blood cause brain cells to lose their vitality, resulting in a stroke.

3. Heart Failure

Heart failure/congestive heart failure happens when the heart fails to pump blood as much as it should. People with high blood pressure or coronary artery disease need to be specifically attentive to their lifestyle.

4. Kidney Failure

Kidney failure/end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is the last stage of kidney disease. If kidneys don’t eliminate/filter the waste out of the body, it gradually leads to kidney failure.

5. Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure is a life-threatening condition in which the lungs can’t get an adequate amount of oxygen into the blood. Hypoxemic respiratory failure occurs when the bloodstream doesn't have enough oxygen. On the other hand, hypercapnic respiratory failure refers to a medical condition in which the bloodstream has excessive carbon dioxide.

6. Accidents

Major accidents result in server bleeding or organ damage that requires emergency medical support. Impacts of accidents on the body can be – Brain injury, Rib fracture, Spinal cord injury, Internal bleeding, Shock, Sexual dysfunction, Sleep problems, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Whiplash injury, et al.

Critical Care Support

7.  Sepsis

In simple terms, sepsis is when the body responds to an infection on an extreme level. This life-threatening illness can spread infections to the overall body. Bacterial infections generally lead to sepsis if remain poorly treated. Help your near one get optimal critical care in Siliguri.

Depending upon what patients need at that moment, medical experts provide different kinds of treatments that may include – cardiac catheterization, dialysis, airway management, oxygen therapy, heart transplant, kidney transplant, colonoscopy, bone marrow transplant, etc.