The control panel (fire station) is an integral part of the fire detection and fire alarm system, intended to provide and monitor the operation of other components of the system. It receives signals from fire detection devices and acts on them, activates the system's operating modes audible and light signals, and alerts the remote alarm center, and alerts them to any occurrence. I can store information. Specific software allows the control panel to be configured to react in a specific way and perform specific tasks in the new program.


The control panel is powered by an AC network but requires a backup power supply that provides power cuts to the system. Mostly it is protected by two pieces of 12V batteries. The additional power supply can be placed in the panel itself or configured as a separate unit, which is especially suitable for large systems with large aggregate usage.


There are four juice levels available when working with fire detection panels, which enable different operators to have different rights to monitor, configure and modify system settings. Access is level 1 with the smallest rights, while level 4 allows all possible actions. The login at a given level is password-protected, and if other operators are allowed to work with the system, then the different levels should be different.


The fire station identifies the status of the FDS after processing the signals from the devices in the system described by the advanced algorithm. According to most standards today, scanning, fire alarm signaling, signal processing, and decision making should not exceed 10 seconds.


The following are possible methods of the system:


• Normal condition (normal/calm condition)


• Fire


ail Failure (error)


lusion discharge devices / functions (disability)


fiction confirmation (test)


The fire station state can be a combination of two methods except for the first method. Indicates light in green (normal), red (fire), or yellow ("damage"), along with a short text on their individual terms.


In governments "fire" and "damage," the audible alarm can be triggered, derived from the panel itself (built-in buzzer), or included in the siren/bell fire system. It can be the same for fire and technical failure. If the system includes strobe/flash lamps, they are also activated. Sound and light equipment can be turned off by the relevant button for attention, which is activated after entering any level of access.


The areas of the control panel that support the area light indicator are indicated by the LED indicator on the zone/zone panel in alarm mode. If there is a display at the fire station, the zone is indicated by a text message in case of an alarm. When the "Fire" mode occurs, the panel goes back to normal after setting "Reset," which in most cases is enabled in the push button, which is available for access level 2 and above. Is.


The control panel can send an alarm signal to a remote observation center - the security company or the fire department. This is done through various enhancements - dialer, modem, or Ethernet module. These devices use a variety of different methods to transfer data - modem dialer phone line, Ethernet module - using a local computer network or the Internet. Fire Dialer is also used for emergency purposes


To check the received alarm system - whether there is a real fire or malfunction, or incorrect bedding, there is an option for some sub-methods: a time delay and alarm confirmation. Diablo Technical Support is always there.


In sub-mode "time delay," there is a time delay for the system to go into "fire" mode to check the system, and then the light and sound alarm devices are activated. In the event of human fire, the fire alarm can be triggered by pressing one of the manual fire detectors or by the operator to a minimum. Web Agent Solutions are here.


The sub-mode "Alarm Confirmation" can be verified by going to bed in a detector system with the same or a different detector in the area, and only then can the fire detection system be put into "fire" mode. This sub-mode is also possible in the "cross-zoning" method (crossing two cable lines with detectors), where the "fire" mode is activated simultaneously or within a certain range of devices with beds on both lines. Cloud Based Predictive Dialer phone are there,


Using the night and day methods, it is possible to reduce the number of false beds by which the detection system is assigned a different sensitivity in both sub-methods. Mood detectors in the "day" are less sensitive than at night, as many activities during the day can cause false alarms.


Modern control panels have a variety of features, some of which are essential for everyone. The ability to configure options is one of the key factors that makes fire stations suitable for use in different sizes and application sites and is also a key to increasing their competitiveness.Read about slide dialing