Pets are kept in many houses. We regard these furry friends as companions but did you know that a cat or dog can help you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression? Over the years, pets have become compassionate to humans' behavior and emotions.

They understand your feelings, body language, the tone of your voice, and even your gestures. Just by looking at you, a pet can judge your emotional state. So let's take a brief look at how an ESA helps you treat anxiety.

1-    Stimulate Neurotransmitters:

People who are suffering from depression and anxiety are on antidepressant drugs, but these drugs increase the serotonin level. In order to compensate for this increase, researchers have shown that spending time with a pet increase the level of dopamine and other neurotransmitters linked to love and bonding. This can be a double win as you will feel good and less depressed plus the mode of love and affection gets on.

When you spend time with your ESA, you will notice that they live in the moment without worrying about the past or future. This is something that we humans should learn because depression and anxiety comes from overthinking about the uncertainties of life, but if we live with a pet we will learn how to live in a moment  stay lively and get joy from present.

2-    Reducing Anxiety When Flying:

Have you ever noticed that people fly with their pets? So this is not for fun or show off, they keep their pet with themselves to reduce anxiety.  For people, having an ESA in flight is vital since they make them less fearful about flying.

3-    They Add Routine and Order to Your Day:

Many people who suffer from anxiety and depression don’t have a daily routine. They end up getting stressed, anxious and depressed because their lives lack order. This can be a thing of the past if you get yourself an emotional support animal. Most pets, more so dogs, need regular exercise and a feeding schedule.

Maintaining a consistent routine goes a long way in keeping the animals calm and balanced, and it also works for you. When you rear a pet,  you’ll also find yourself following a constant routine.

So, get an “<a href="">ESA Letter online</a>for an ESA from so that you can keep a pet with you to deal with anxiety.