Here at Easilift Loading Systems, we offer a wide range of dock shelters for use in industrial settings. However, it can be easy to underestimate just how much these shelters could enhance your company's workplace for both you and everyone else using it.

Our dock shelters serve more than just the most rudimentary purposes – so what else can they do for your organisation?

Prevent your goods picking up dirt

The primary purpose of dock shelters is to provide optimum sealing between your firm's buildings and vehicles. In providing an optimum seal between internal and external areas, these stable and durable shelters can keep your goods safe from external contaminants. This means that when your goods are needed, they won't be blighted by dirt.

Protect from the adverse effects of inclement weather

Weather like rain and wind can make the interior spaces of your loading bay unsafely wet and slippery – conditions that our dock shelters can help to protect you and your workers against.

Save energy - and money

Reducing your company's carbon footprint is not only good for the planet - it can also help your business to save money on its energy bills. 

You will therefore be pleased to know that our dock shelters can assist with cutting energy consumption on your premises, by minimising how much heat or cold is lost when the door is open during docking.

Minimise worker illness 

It is obviously inconvenient for your business when employees fall ill and are either less productive or have to take days off work. In either case, your company is suffering. However, dock shelters can assist in reducing worker illness and therefore prevent absences.

Maintain optimum working conditions

Here is something else that can do wonders for productivity. If there is a particular temperature, noise level and environment in which your employees most excel, you can maintain those ideal working conditions through the use of docking shelters.

You can choose from a variety of dock shelters

We offer a range of dock shelters for meeting the requirements that arise with different types of vehicles and different types of applications. These shelters include cushion dock shelters, collapsible curtain dock shelters, van-dock shelters and inflatable dock shelters - and you can read much more about all of them on our website.

Enquire now to the Easilift Loading Systems team on 0800 160 1965 to see how our dock shelters can aid your organisation in meeting its objectives – and how affordable they can be.