
In the cozy city of Bellevue, where comfort is key, your water heater plays a crucial role. But how often do we think about this silent hero? At Green House Plumbing and Heating Bellevue, we believe in the power of preventive care for your water heater. In this guide, we’ll explore simple tips and tricks to keep your water heater humming efficiently, ensuring you have warm showers and clean dishes all year round. Efficient and experienced drain cleaning plumber committed to keeping your pipes clear and your plumbing system in optimal condition.

Understanding Your Water Heater:

Before diving into maintenance, let’s get to know our water heaters a bit better.

Types of Water Heaters: Data: According to the U.S. Department of Energy, tankless water heaters can be 24–34% more energy-efficient than traditional tank water heaters. Explanation: There are two main types - tankless and tank water heaters. Tankless heaters heat water on demand, saving energy compared to tanks that constantly keep water hot. Average Lifespan: Statistics: The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors suggests that the average lifespan of a water heater is about 8 to 12 years. Example: If your water heater is older than a decade, it might be time to consider a replacement. Explanation: Knowing the age of your water heater helps in planning maintenance and anticipating when it might need replacing.

Tips and Tricks for Water Heater Maintenance:

Now, let’s move on to the actionable steps you can take to ensure your water heater stays in top shape.

3.            Flush the Tank:

Data: According to the experts at ENERGY STAR, flushing your water heater annually can improve efficiency and longevity. Example: Attach a hose to the drain valve, let the tank drain, and flush out sediment. Explanation: Over time, sediment builds up at the bottom of the tank, reducing heating efficiency. Flushing removes this sediment, keeping your heater running smoothly.

4.            Check the Pressure Relief Valve:

Statistics: The Plumbing Manufacturers International recommends testing the pressure relief valve every six months. Example: Lift the valve's lever, and hot water should flow into the drainpipe. If it doesn't, you might need a new valve. Explanation: The pressure relief valve is a safety feature. Ensuring it works properly prevents pressure buildup inside the tank.

5.            Inspect for Leaks:

Data: The Environmental Protection Agency notes that a leaking water heater can waste significant amounts of water. Example: Look for puddles or signs of moisture around the tank. Explanation: Leaks not only waste water but can also damage your home. If you notice any, call a professional immediately.

6.            Insulate Your Tank:

Statistics: The U.S. Department of Energy states that insulating your water heater can reduce standby heat losses by 25–45%. Example: Wrap your tank with an insulating blanket. Explanation: Insulation helps your heater retain heat, making it more energy-efficient.

7.            Adjust the Temperature:

Data: According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, setting your water heater thermostat to 120°F can prevent scalding accidents. Example: Use the temperature dial on the heater to set the desired temperature. Explanation: Lowering the temperature not only saves energy but also prevents accidental burns, especially for families with children.

Professional Maintenance Services:

8.            Annual Professional Inspection:

Statistics: The Water Quality Association recommends an annual professional inspection for water heaters. Example: Schedule a yearly inspection with Green House Plumbing and Heating Bellevue. Explanation: Professionals can catch potential issues early, preventing major breakdowns and ensuring your water heater's longevity.

9.            Consider a Water Softener:

Data: The Water Quality Research Foundation suggests that hard water can cause mineral buildup, reducing the efficiency of water heaters. Example: Install a water softener if you have hard water. Explanation: Softening your water prevents mineral deposits in the tank, helping your heater work more effectively.


Your water heater is a vital component of your home, providing comfort and convenience. By following these simple tips and tricks, you can ensure that it continues to do so efficiently for years to come. At Green House Plumbing and Heating Bellevue, we're dedicated to keeping the residents of Bellevue cozy and warm. If you ever need professional assistance or a routine check-up, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to warm showers and happy homes!