Real-time data access in mutual fund software allows advisors to monitor market movements and client portfolios instantly. This feature enables timely decision-making, helping to capitalize on market opportunities and mitigate risks for investor portfolios handled by MFDs.
Mutualfund's public profile
Name: Mutualfund Software @mutualfundsoftware
Occupation: Mutual Fund Software For Distributors at Mutul Fund Software, Madhya Pradesh, India
Bio: Mutual Fund Software is an advance and efficient wealth management platform for the Mutual Fund Distributors which has features like Online ATM, White Labeled Solution, Management of multiple assets including PMS & Alternative Investment, Funds Analysis & Portfolio Re-Balancing, Transact Online, Video KYC, & more.
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Mutualfund Software
Mutual Fund S... at Mutul Fund So...
Mutual Fund Software is an advance and efficient wealth management platform for the Mutual Fund Distributors which has features like Online ATM, White Labeled Solution, Management of multiple assets i