Many new chicken farmers often ask this question “How can I keep my chickens happy and healthy all the year round?” The answer is not that simple. If you think that raising chickens is a child’s play, then you are mistaken. First, you have to buy the right ones when you are looking for chicks for sale online.

Please do not get worried because we will be discussing about some of the effective ways by which you can keep your chickens happy and healthy throughout the year. Let us begin.

Fresh water and balanced diet

First, we will be discussing about fresh water and balanced diet. You may know that chickens tend to be messier birds. By keeping clean and fresh drinking water, you can ensure that your chickens are hydrated properly. This is essential for their health. Chickens usually prefer a balanced diet consisting of wide range of fruits, vegetables and grains. You can keep them happy by providing diverse range of food to them.

One of the best known features of chickens is they consume almost everything. This helps in preventing food wastes and also keeps the chickens happy. This is a win-win situation for both.

Adequate space

Chickens require adequate space for living and breeding. Small enclosures will lead to overcrowding and can increase stress levels. Overcrowding can also lead to spread of diseases. A hen will only lay eggs if she is happy and has adequate space. A larger enclosure with proper ventilation is ideal for chickens. It will reduce their stress levels, thus keeping them happy.  If you want good quality eggs from your chicken, then arrange for adequate spacing inside the enclosure.

Safe and secure coop

A safe and secure coop is crucial for keeping your chickens happy. You must be aware that chickens are vulnerable to predators. They are unable to defend themselves, unlike cattle. This increases their stress levels which can be detrimental for their health. As mentioned in the above section, a hen only lays eggs when she is happy and feels that the place is safe for their chicks. This is the reason why you must make proper safety arrangements for your coop. You can install welding wire around your chicken coop. This will prevent predators from raiding your chicken coop, thus ensuring their safety. You can also install a proper nesting place for privacy.

Make arrangements for dust bathing

 A dust bath of a chicken is similar to daily shower of a human. Chickens require dust bathing for getting rid of parasites. They dig shallow posts in dirt, sand or even flower pots and apply them on their skin and feathers for the purpose of skin and feather maintenance. A dust bath can be done on a simple dry patch of dirt or a bucket filled with sand or soil. There are no requirements of supplements here. This is a simple way by which you can keep your chickens happy and healthy.

Keeping a chicken happy and healthy throughout the year may seem difficult but it is not an impossible task. You can try out the above mentioned methods and see the results.