The AZ-220 exam is a Microsoft Azure certification exam that measures the candidate's knowledge and skills in developing and implementing advanced solutions using Microsoft Azure IoT Developer, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Time Series Insights, and Azure Event Grid. The exam consists of 40-60 multiple-choice questions that need to be completed within 150 minutes. The questions are designed to test the candidate's ability to develop and implement Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Developer Specialty, configure and manage data storage solutions, develop Stream Analytics solutions, implement Azure Time Series Insights solutions, and implement Azure Event Grid solutions. To prepare for the exam, candidates are expected to have a strong understanding of Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Central, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Time Series Insights, and Azure Event Grid. They should also have experience developing Azure solutions using programming languages such as C#, Node.js, Python, or JavaScript. Passing the AZ-220 Dumps Study Material leads to the Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Developer Specialty certification, which demonstrates to potential employers and clients that the candidate has the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and implement advanced solutions using Microsoft Azure IoT.




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