Getting into accidents can happen to the best of drivers. You will want to be sure that you have good coverage with your insurance company, but studies show that there is significant chance for a better outcome if you hire an attorney, because having good coverage does not guarantee fair play by the insurance company. Plus, it does not cost you anything upfront. Remember our law firm does not charge a penny unless you win your case. We only get a percentage of the recovery if we win. Further we don’t charge you anything at any time for repairs to your vehicle.

When you should hire a Personal Injury lawyer?

For best results you should hire a personal injury lawyer immediately following an accident. This is because your lawyer will prevent you from reducing the value of your own case without even knowing that you are. There are so many mistakes that injured victims make when they are not represented. These mistakes can substantially change the outcome of your case. Since you don’t pay anything unless we win, you have nothing to lose.

The Law Offices of Sean S. Vahdat and Associates, APLC is experienced in personal injury cases and we have recovered millions for those just like you, that have suffered from injuries in an accident.

(Disclaimer, the example used above should not be construed as a guarantee. Each case is treated differently, and prior awards to not constitute a guarantee of recovery. Client is responsible for litigation costs, and may have to pay litigation costs prior to recovery, or in event the case is lost).

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