When it comes to household pests like spiders, many people are curious about the best ways to repel or attract them. A common myth that circulates is that certain colors of light can influence the behavior of spiders, with some suggesting that red light may attract them. In this article, we will explore the science behind how light affects spiders and does red light attract spiders.

Understanding How Spiders Perceive Light

Before diving into the specifics of whether red light attracts spiders, it’s important to understand how spiders perceive light in general. Unlike humans, spiders have multiple eyes, usually eight, and their vision is adapted to their particular needs. Most spiders are not reliant on sharp vision, but rather on other senses, like touch and vibration, to navigate their environments and capture prey.

Spiders, particularly those that hunt at night, rely heavily on their sense of vibration and may not be as affected by light as we are. However, they are still able to perceive light, and different types of spiders may respond to light sources in different ways.

The Role of Light in Attracting Insects

Spiders are predators that often rely on the presence of other insects for food. Many spiders, especially web-building species, create intricate webs designed to trap flying insects like moths, flies, and mosquitoes. These insects are often attracted to light sources, particularly bright lights like street lamps or porch lights. This attraction occurs because many flying insects use natural light sources, like the moon, to navigate. Artificial lights can confuse them and cause them to fly toward them.

While spiders themselves are not necessarily drawn to light, the insects that they prey on are. So, a bright light in your backyard may not attract spiders directly, but it can attract the insects they hunt, and in turn, attract the spiders that come to catch them. This is why you might notice more spiders near lighted areas, as they wait for their prey to fly into their webs.

Does Red Light Attract Spiders?

Now, to address the specific question: does red light attract spiders? The short answer is no. Red light does not seem to attract spiders in the way that bright, white light does. There are several reasons for this.

Insects are Less Attracted to Red Light: Since insects are drawn to light sources, it's worth noting that many insects, including those that spiders typically prey on, are less attracted to red light than to other colors. This is because many insects are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light, like blue and ultraviolet, than to longer wavelengths like red. Thus, red light is less likely to draw in flying insects, which means it is less likely to attract spiders as well.

Spiders Aren't Attracted to Light: While spiders can perceive light, they are not necessarily drawn to it. Spiders, especially those that spin webs, are more concerned with finding a suitable place to build their web and wait for prey. Their behavior is more influenced by factors like the availability of food (insects) and a secure location for web-building rather than the color of the light around them.

No Evidence Suggests Red Light Specifically Attracts Spiders: There is no substantial scientific evidence to suggest that red light specifically attracts spiders. Spiders may come into areas where light attracts their prey, but they do not appear to have a preference for any particular color of light.

How Does Light Affect Spiders?

While red light doesn't attract spiders, light in general can influence their behavior in other ways. For instance, some species of spiders, particularly those that are nocturnal, may avoid brightly lit areas since they prefer darker, more secluded places where they can build their webs and avoid predators. On the other hand, certain spiders that hunt during the day or night may be indifferent to light and focus more on finding food or shelter.

Additionally, some researchers have found that spiders, particularly jumping spiders, may be able to detect the direction of light. This can help them orient themselves or locate prey during hunting. However, their behavior is not strongly influenced by light in the same way that it affects insects.


In conclusion, red light does not attract spiders. While spiders can perceive light and may come into areas where insects are attracted to artificial light, they are not specifically drawn to red light. Insects, which spiders prey on, are much less attracted to red light than to other colors, making it unlikely that red light would cause a spider to appear in your home or garden.