Are you suffering from severe tooth pain? This can be an indication that you need a root canal. Also, tooth pain always does not indicate that you need a root canal. But if it indicates, then you may need to undergo root canal treatment. A root canal may seem painful and fearful, but your dentist may recommend it to you if your tooth is experiencing severe infection, swelling, and gum infection. Usually, dentists call this procedure endodontic treatment. So, if your root canals near me are near me, the dentist has recommended that you have a root canal, and then you have to undergo the following steps.

What is a Root Canal?

If your best dentist for root canals near me has recommended a root canal treatment, there is no need to worry. During the root canal treatment, the dentist removes the infected pulp from the tooth. A tooth consists of white enamel and a hard layer called dentin, which is a soft tissue called pulp. If this pulp gets infected, then you need a root canal treatment to remove the infection.


Therefore, a root canal is a dental procedure performed to save your tooth from being removed permanently. A root canal does not cause major issues, but it can if you don’t take proper care of your oral health. You need to brush and floss your restored tooth regularly to maintain its longevity.


In most cases, a general sunny family dental or endodontist will perform a root canal while you’re under local anesthesia.

What Are The Steps?

There are three steps for the root canal therapy to complete.

Root Canal Cleaning

The root canal specialist near me will remove everything inside the root canal that is causing you pain. With the patient under local anesthesia, the dentist will make a small hole in the surface of the tooth and remove diseased and dead pulp tissue with very small files.

Root Canal Filling

Next, the dentist cleans, shapes, and disinfects the area using very small files and an irrigation solution. The tooth is then filled with a rubber-like material, using cement to seal the canals completely. After root canal treatment, the tooth dies. Also, now you will not have pain again as the dentist removes the nerve tissue from the teeth, and the infection has been eliminated permanently.

Crown or Filling

However, the tooth will now be more fragile than before. A tooth without pulp must be nourished by the ligament that connects it to the bone. This supply is sufficient, but over time, the tooth will become more brittle, which is why a crown or filling provides protection. Until the crown or filling is placed, the patient should not chew or bite the tooth. Once the crown or filling is placed, you can use your teeth normally as before. Treatment usually requires only one appointment, but if there is a curved fallopian tube, multiple fallopian tubes, or a large infection, one or two additional appointments may be needed.

Summing Up:

When you are facing severe tooth pain coming from the gums or teeth, it should not be avoided. Many times, ignoring tooth pain can be dangerous and can cause future oral problems. That is why it is recommended to visit a dentist every 6 months so that if you have any issues, they can be fixed quickly. And you can also avoid root canal treatment.

Visit your dentists in Florida and book an appointment now.