I love the visionary title of Lynda Lamp's new book Walking Through Your Walls. Who wouldn't want to be able to walk through walls? Lynda Lamp has some ideas that may seem a bit strange to some, but she believes in the metaphysical possibilities that can transcend our reality when we raise our vibrations, when we live to the fullness of whom we can be, and we learn to liberate ourselves from what holds us back, rather than settling for what is and devolving into our brutal, warlike behavior that has marked so much of humanity's past, We need more people who are willing, as Don Quixote said, "to see life not as it is but as it should be." Lamp is one of those people.
mamgabuddy wants a better world. Don't we all? And she begins this remarkable book with a quote from Einstein that tells us "Never lose a holy curiosity." Too often, religion has been used to limit people, to confine them rather than free them. We are told that curiosity killed the cat as justification for keeping us in our places. The Bible was withheld from being read by the common man for centuries, and scientific attempts to learn more about the universe led to burnings at the stake, but Einstein has it right in his word choice. Curiosity is holy, and so, why shouldn't we strive to be all that our creator created us to be? And Lamp wants to show us precisely how to do that.