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Avaya 71801X Exam Syllabus Topics:TopicDetailsTopic 1Identify environmental, network, and feature requirements for Avaya Messaging Describe the Avaya Messaging architecture.Topic 2Identify troubleshooting and maintenance issues of Avaya Messaging Describe the steps for an Avaya Messaging solution and InstallationTopic 3List the Avaya Messaging licensing, capacities, and deployment options Describe Avaya Messaging High AvailabilityAvaya Messaging Support Certified Exam Sample Questions (Q56-Q61):
Which three statements about Avaya IX™ Messaging release 10.8 are true? (Choose three.)
Answer: B,C,D
In Avaya IXTI' Messaging High Availability, where are the voice traffic logs stored, and where are the message related logs stored?
Answer: C
In the event of one or more VSN failures in a High Availability architecture, which component provides continuous voice messaging and message retrieval to all registered users?
Answer: B
In Avaya IX'" Messaging High Availability, which server conducts the Database Management operation?
Answer: D
In Avaya IX™ Messaging Mailbox configurations, which parameter can be set using the Synchronization Options tab of Mailbox?
Answer: B
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