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Who is this Microsoft AZ-305 exam for?This Microsoft AZ-305 exam is designed for IT professionals who are currently working on the Azure platform. These professionals can be system administrators, network administrators, developers, architects, and consultants. They can also be working as a project manager, solution architect, system integrator, and enterprise architect. AZ-305 exam dumps are suitable for everyone who is interested in gaining this Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Certification. You can use the braindumps to get prepared for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. The customer support team can also use this exam to verify their technical skills. Network architecture professionals can also take this exam. Messaging-driven business applications can use this exam to test their technical knowledge.
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How To Study Properly For Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam?The Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam is a difficult exam. This means that you will have to prepare yourself well for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. Here are some of the things that you can do to prepare yourself for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam
You will have to make a study plan before writing the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. This means that you should make a study intent for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You should learn how to manage your time properly to write the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You will have to learn some basic English phrases and expressions to pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You should learn how to write the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam in English. You will have to learn some English expressions to pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam.
You should learn the concepts of the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. This means that you will have to learn how to manage your time properly to write the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You will have to learn some basic Microsoft Azure concepts to pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You should make study material like AZ-305 exam dumps for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. This means that you will have to prepare a lot of study material for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You should prepare yourself for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. The online engine can let you know about the compliance, disaster recovery of networks. You can take help from this to write the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam.
You will have to make study material for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You will have to practice a lot for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. To migrate and data integration will help you to write the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You should learn some basic concepts of data migration and data integration to pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. You should learn some basic concepts of security, networking, connectivity, integration, and availability to pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam.
Understanding of the salary of the Microsoft AZ-305 Certified ProfessionalThe salary of a Microsoft AZ-305 Certified Professional depends on the company you are working in. However, the average salary of a Microsoft AZ-305 Certified Professional who passes his exam with the help of AZ-305 exam dumps is given as follows
In Australia: 85,000 AUDIn the United States: 120,000 USDIn India: 70,000 INRIn the UK: 100,000 GBPIn Germany: 100,000 EURMicrosoft Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Sample Questions (Q148-Q153):NEW QUESTION # 148
You have an on-premises database that you plan to migrate to Azure.
You need to design the database architecture to meet the following requirements:
Support scaling up and down.
Support geo-redundant backups.
Support a database of up to 75 TB.
Be optimized for online transaction processing (OLTP).
What should you include in the design? To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
You have an Azure virtual machine named VM1 that runs Windows Server 2019 and contains 500 GB of data files.
You are designing a solution that will use Azure Data Factory to transform the data files, and then load the files to Azure Data Lake Storage What should you deploy on VM1 to support the design?
Answer: A
You have the resources shown in the following table.
CDB1 hosts a container that stores continuously updated operational data.
You are designing a solution that will use AS! to analyze the operational data daily.
You need to recommend a solution to analyze the data without affecting the performance of the operational data store.
What should you include in the recommendation?
Answer: C
You plan to migrate App1 to Azure.
You need to recommend a storage solution for App1 that meets the security and compliance requirements.
Which type of storage should you recommend, and how should you recommend configuring the storage? To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
You have an Azure subscription that contains the storage accounts shown in the following table.
You plan to implement two new apps that have the requirements shown in the following table.
Which storage accounts should you recommend using for each app? To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
AZ-305 Exam Outline: