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>> 350-701 Relevant Questions <<
Certificate Cisco 350-701 Exam | Exam 350-701 Cram ReviewIt is a truth well-known to all around the world that no pains and no gains. There is another proverb that the more you plough the more you gain. When you pass the 350-701 exam which is well recognized wherever you are in any field, then acquire the 350-701 certificate, the door of your new career will be open for you and your future is bright and hopeful. Our 350-701 guide torrent will be your best assistant to help you gain your 350-701 certificate.
Cisco Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies Sample Questions (Q81-Q86):NEW QUESTION # 81
An organization received a large amount of SPAM messages over a short time period. In order to take action on the messages, it must be determined how harmful the messages are and this needs to happen dynamically.
What must be configured to accomplish this?
Answer: B
An organization is implementing URL blocking using Cisco Umbrell a. The users are able to go to some sites
but other sites are not accessible due to an error. Why is the error occurring?
Answer: B
Other features are dependent on SSL Decryption functionality, which requires the Cisco Umbrella root certificate. Having the SSL Decryption feature improves: Custom URL Blocking-Required to block the HTTPS version of a URL. ... Umbrella's Block Page and Block Page Bypass features present an SSL certificate to browsers that make connections to HTTPS sites. This SSL certificate matches the requested site but will be signed by the Cisco Umbrella certificate authority (CA). If the CA is not trusted by your browser, an error page may be displayed. Typical errors include "The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority" (Internet Explorer), "The site's security certificate is not trusted!" (Google Chrome) or "This Connection is Untrusted" (Mozilla Firefox). Although the error page is expected, the message displayed can be confusing and you may wish to prevent it from appearing. To avoid these error pages, install the Cisco Umbrella root certificate into your browser or the browsers of your users-if you're a network admin. Reference: certificate. Having the SSL Decryption feature improves:
Custom URL Blocking-Required to block the HTTPS version of a URL.
Umbrella's Block Page and Block Page Bypass features present an SSL certificate to browsers that make connections to HTTPS sites. This SSL certificate matches the requested site but will be signed by the Cisco Umbrella certificate authority (CA). If the CA is not trusted by your browser, an error page may be displayed.
Typical errors include "The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority" (Internet Explorer), "The site's security certificate is not trusted!" (Google Chrome) or "This Connection is Untrusted" (Mozilla Firefox). Although the error page is expected, the message displayed can be confusing and you may wish to prevent it from appearing.
To avoid these error pages, install the Cisco Umbrella root certificate into your browser or the browsers of your users-if you're a network admin.
Other features are dependent on SSL Decryption functionality, which requires the Cisco Umbrella root certificate. Having the SSL Decryption feature improves: Custom URL Blocking-Required to block the HTTPS version of a URL. ... Umbrella's Block Page and Block Page Bypass features present an SSL certificate to browsers that make connections to HTTPS sites. This SSL certificate matches the requested site but will be signed by the Cisco Umbrella certificate authority (CA). If the CA is not trusted by your browser, an error page may be displayed. Typical errors include "The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority" (Internet Explorer), "The site's security certificate is not trusted!" (Google Chrome) or "This Connection is Untrusted" (Mozilla Firefox). Although the error page is expected, the message displayed can be confusing and you may wish to prevent it from appearing. To avoid these error pages, install the Cisco Umbrella root certificate into your browser or the browsers of your users-if you're a network admin. Reference:
What are two differences between a Cisco WSA that is running in transparent mode and one running in explicit mode? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,D
For Cisco IOS PKI, which two types of Servers are used as a distribution point for CRLs? (Choose two)
Answer: A,C
Cisco IOS public key infrastructure (PKI) provides certificate management to support security protocols such as IP Security (IPSec), secure shell (SSH), and secure socket layer (SSL). This module identifies and describes concepts that are needed to understand, plan for, and implement a PKI. A PKI is composed of the following entities: ... - A distribution mechanism (such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP] or HTTP) for certificate revocation lists (CRLs) Reference: A PKI is composed of the following entities: ...
- A distribution mechanism (such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP] or HTTP) for certificate revocation lists (CRLs) Cisco IOS public key infrastructure (PKI) provides certificate management to support security protocols such as IP Security (IPSec), secure shell (SSH), and secure socket layer (SSL). This module identifies and describes concepts that are needed to understand, plan for, and implement a PKI. A PKI is composed of the following entities: ... - A distribution mechanism (such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP] or HTTP) for certificate revocation lists (CRLs) Reference:
What is the primary benefit of deploying an ESA in hybrid mode?
Answer: C
Cisco Hybrid Email Security is a unique service offering that facilitates the deployment of your email security infrastructure both on premises and in the cloud. You can change the number of on-premises versus cloud users at any time throughout the term of your contract, assuming the total number of users does not change.
This allows for deployment flexibility as your organization's needs change.
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