A lot of Universities have now started to use Webmail services, making it easier for students, staff and faculty members to access their emails. One such University that has taken measures to establish a similar framework is the UAMS or the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. In this article, I will tell you all about how the UAMS work. So, stick to the end. 

How to use UAMS Webmail

To use UAMS Webmail, users must first log in to their UAMS email accounts using a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. After logging in, users can access their inbox, sent messages, draughts, and other email folders. They can create, send, and receive emails. They can also handle email settings, such as setting up filters, setting up automated replies, and managing email signatures.

How to Login to UAMS Webmail

The first thing that you have to do is head to the URL https://webmail.uams.edu/.

Then, enter your UAMS email address in the Email Address field. Make sure to include the "@uams.edu" part of your email address.

Next, you will have to enter your UAMS password in the Password field.

Lastly, click the Sign In button to log in to your UAMS Webmail account.