Restrictions On Automobile Accident Cases Post-covid-19
Many people have contacted Glynn, Mercep & Purcell, LLP and inquired about any changes or limitations since Covid-19 in bringing lawsuits for personal injuries sustained as a result of a car accident.
The simple answer is “no.” Except for restrictions relative to court appearances and the continued utilization of remote appearances, there is no change that affects a person injured in a car accident from pursuing a claim or lawsuit to recover for their injuries.
In fact, because far fewer drivers were on the road between February 2020 and May 2021, there were of course fewer car accidents. As a result, many older car accident cases were settled during that sixteen month period. Consequently, with a lighter volume of auto accident cases to work on, the lawyers and staff at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell, LLP are able to pay immediate attention to new personal injury matters and move these cases more quickly toward a conclusion.
In conclusion, there are no new laws, regulations or rulings that prevent you from consulting Glynn, Mercep & Purcell or any other lawyers about injuries you sustained as a result of an automobile accident which occurred in the last three years since Covid-19 began to cause less harm. The experienced lawyers and staff at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell are ready to consult with you at any time to determine if you have a case that is worth pursuing, so if you have been seriously injured in a car accident, feel free to contact us.
Residential Real Estate During The Post-Covid 19 Era
As most people are aware, it was difficult to sell or purchase a home in New York or the northeast during the pandemic. For the first 5 or 6 months, buyers couldn’t or were very reluctant to personally go inside homes that were up for sale. This is why so many homes were featured on Zillow at that time.
Once the pandemic eased a bit in the summer of 2021, purchasers became more comfortable visiting homes they might be interested in buying. However, sites such as Zillow often continued to be the place prospective buyers initially did their house hunting. During that period of time, the real estate lawyers and staff at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell became very busy helping both sellers and purchasers navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and the months after.
Adding to this was the “flight to the suburbs” caused by the fear of living in New York City and other urban areas while a virus such as Covid-19 was prevalent and spreading. Our lawyers at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell often helped take the pressure off of both sellers and purchasers by becoming involved in the mortgage application process, keeping clients informed about the terms often thrown at them by real estate brokers, banks and other lending institutions. During this period of time, closings were held remotely or virtually at first, with electronic signatures being accepted for contracts of sale, to ensure the safety of our clients.
Gradually, as the Covid-19 pandemic has eased, real estate clients are being asked if they would prefer to come into the office to meet with our lawyers, masked unless they have been vaccinated, to discus their transactions.
The real estate department at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell is busy helping our current clients and welcome both sellers and purchasers to contact us to schedule a consultation.
Commercial Real Estate And Business During And Post Covid-19
The lawyers and staff at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell, LLP have handled hundreds of commercial real estate transactions over the last ten years. These transactions have included small businesses, stores, shopping centers, vacant land and other properties.
During the pandemic, small businesses, shopping centers, movie theaters, bars and restaurants, and all types of commercial establishments saw their business slow down or even disappear. Some businesses had to close either permanently or wait to re-open until the pandemic subsided. Also, new construction of both commercial structures and homes slowed substantially.
We at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell continue to provide experienced counsel concerning the sale and purchase of commercial real estate and businesses to help weather and navigate this new landscape. For those business owners who were either hoping to sell their establishments or to acquire new locations or stores, our attorneys were there to respond to their questions.
Now that the pandemic is easing and businesses that were temporarily closed or saw their traffic diminish, everything is opening up again. This has accelerated the sale and purchase of commercial real estate and businesses and requires the assistance of experienced attorneys who know how to handle the transactions that ensue. The concerned and experienced attorneys and staff at Glynn, Mercep & Purcell, LLP are able to spend the time necessary and lend their expertise to clients who are looking to sell their commercial real estate or small businesses, or to those who are hoping to purchase. So feel free to contact us anytime to set up a consultation concerning your sale or purchase of commercial real estate or small businesses.
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