Parrots, canaries, and other species of exotic birds need a space: budgie cages or an aviary (if there are more than one). These should represent more than just a secure place where they cannot fly, considering that many species have demonstrated that they become attached to their owners over time. Instead, these cages and aviaries must be very comfortable; in them, the parrots must feel protected and safe, as in the pet warehouse. That is why choosing and arranging the budgie cage is essential. Before buying one, search for more information regarding the environment, you need to create for your parrot.


The Importance of Choosing Budgie Cages


The choice of the cage is essential from all points of view. Also, maintaining strict cleanliness in the cage is necessary. In the trade, there are budgie cages for all tastes and sizes. They can be bought from specialized stores, which exist in most cities of the country, or through bird breeders. In any case, the cages must offer the birds comfort, be spacious enough, be easy to handle and clean, and always have clean sand in the cleaning tray, which also contains the necessary pebbles for grinding the seeds parrots eat in the pipe.


Create an Environment as Similar to the Pet Warehouse


In the case of parrots, because they are known to eat wood, the cage must be made of metal because it is more resistant and easier to clean. It must have a drawer like a tray, two side doors for placing the water bowl, the seed bowl, and the nest, and a door in front where the bird is introduced. Remember the toys from the pet warehouse that entertain the parrot so he doesn't get bored and stressed. Toys that can be disassembled into pieces, balls with holes, beads, clips, and other similar objects that the parrot can swallow must be avoided.


Metal rings, chains, and toys made of certain chemically treated materials are not indicated for budges. The ladders, swings, and toys made of leather or non-chemically treated string are the most suitable. The budgie cages should not be placed in the kitchen, bathroom, secluded places, or spaces with temperature variations or air currents. The parrot needs a warm, odorless space and human interactions not to get bored. The ideal room temperature for parakeets is 20-25ÂșC. In addition, the cage must be placed at a certain height of at least 1 m for the bird to feel safe.


Offer Enough Space for Free Movement


Small, narrow, or round cages do not allow sufficient movement of the parrot inside them. Most commercial cages are too small and do not allow enough movement or flight of the bird following its natural needs. The best places to live for parrots are aviaries because they offer the best conditions for shelter and reproduction, such as in a pet warehouse. An aviary usually has two compartments: the actual aviary where the bird can fly and a space where the bird shelters during cold or rainy weather. Some parrots easily tolerate temperature variations, but not all types of species.


Budgies love cages that are made of hardwood, taking into account the fact that most species of parrots feed on softwood. To satisfy them and this pleasure, they must also have willow, poplar, or fruit tree branches in the cage. Also, the water bowls from the budgie cages must be large enough, and the water must be fresh daily the places where the birds' food and drink are also fundamental. Finally, the containers must be fastened with some clips to the cage bars; they can be made of any material, but the most important thing is that they are clean.


The Right Space to Place the Cage


When you buy a parrot from the pet warehouse, ask for information regarding its living style. Once you bring it home, the parrot's cage can be placed in any room, especially where you spend the most time, because this animal is friendly. These birds love the light, so the room should be as sunny as possible; in addition, the rays help the strengthening and healthy development of the bones. When it is excessively hot, the budgie cages can be covered with a cloth to protect them from other unpleasantness.


As colorful, energetic, and noisy as parrots are, they can be so sensitive. Their health must be constantly checked, so they do not end up in a situation where a minor condition turns into one that endangers their lives. A visit to the vet is something you should do no matter what type of pet you have. No matter where they live, in a pet warehouse or a house, flying hours are incredibly healthy for the psyche and the parrot's whole body. Arrange a small cradle in the house and place a book on the table, which he can nibble and scratch as his heart desires.



Create a Safe Space for Your Parrot


If the parrots are not released occasionally, they may show behavioral deviations. These birds need exercise! However, when they leave their budgie cages and fly freely around the house, they often endanger their lives. That is why all dangerous sources must be removed. First, close the doors, windows, cupboards, and drawers. Draw the curtain well to hide the windows. Close or cover the hot stove, remove the pans full of water, and avoid sharp objects, poisonous substances, and alcohol. And it is equally important to close the toilet lid.


There are over three hundred breeds of parrots in the world, and in every pet warehouse, you can find very different sizes and appearances. There are also the so-called talking parrots, which can imitate dozens of words humans speak and are highly prized as pets. Budgies are one of the most popular pet parrot species. Parakeets are sociable birds and very beautiful. However, the parakeet species is not known for its speaking abilities. It must be remembered that only males can develop this ability to speak, being able to imitate words they hear or the song of other birds.