Of all the supplies that you need to take proper care of your pet, the cat scratching post is the most important one for your house’s aesthetic value and your mental health. Yes, not your pet’s… YOUR mental health. As you will see in this article, if you don’t provide your cat with this tool, it will slowly destroy you mentally.

In this article, you will find the main reasons why you must buy a high-quality scratching post for your cat. You will also see pieces of advice on choosing the right option and some tips on how to make your cats use this tool.

How a Cat Scratching Post Can Save Your Home’s Furniture

You will never see a healthy cat that doesn’t scratch things. It is not only an instinct but a need. They must do so. Otherwise, their claws will grow continuously until they start harming themselves. For this reason, you need to provide them with a cat scratching post; otherwise, they will make your furniture into one.

If you choose the right one, then you will offer a more attractive alternative to your cat's current scratching spots, which are probably your couch cushions and other such pieces of furniture. If you don’t have this type of tool, then you should not be angry at your pet because it is your fault for all the damage it does.

It is your duty as the owner to encourage healthy scratching behaviour and prevent your cat from forming destructive habits. So, you need to look for a high-quality scratcher right now, and you require one that fits the needs of your pet. Remember that making the wrong choice means that your pet will continue to use your furniture as the tool it needs to trim its claws.

The Benefits of a Cat Scratching Post for Your Pet’s Health

As mentioned, a cat scratching post helps your pet maintain its claws short. It removes the dead outer layers of nails, promoting healthy nail growth. If this need is not taken care of, you will have to spend a lot of time and money on solving the problems that will develop.

 Another advantage of this tool comes from the exercise and stretching opportunities it provides. This action promotes your pet’s overall health and well-being, especially if it’s an inside cat that is not allowed to go outside every day or at all.

Sedentarism can also affect your pet. Besides the unhealthy body they can quickly develop, you can also expect stress and anxiety problems. A scratcher can also help with these problems, but it will not be enough; you need to take proper care of your pet to maintain its health optimally.

Why a Scratching Post is a Must-Have for Your Cat’s Entertainment

A scratching post also provides a source of entertainment for your cat. It will keep it mentally stimulated. Even though you can cover this need with various toys, it’s still a good idea to also have a multipurpose tool such as this one.

Another reason why scratchers are so important is that they can offer a place for your cat to play and climb. This is one of its instincts that must be satisfied one way or another. So, do you want your pet to use the tool specialised for this, or would you prefer it to climb your furniture and maybe break some vases while doing so?

As a cat owner, you should know that they are prone to boredom. The end result is destructive behaviour. You don’t want your cat to start breaking anything it pleases all around your house. So, you need either toys that can help solve this problem or a high-quality scratcher that can do the same.

How a Scratching Post Can Help If You Live with Multiple Cats

If you have more than one cat, then there are several other problems that you must consider. Territorial conflict is one of them, and competition over resources is another one. Both of these can become very problematic, especially for your house’s aesthetic value. Luckily, you can solve both these problems by simply choosing the proper scratcher.

A top-quality tool will help you designate a scratching area to reduce territorial conflict and promote interaction and group playing. At the same time, the resource conflict will also be minimised, especially if you provide your pets with enough food, water and toys.

If you want to get all the benefits mentioned in this article from the scratcher, then you must ensure it fits your cat’s needs. So, you must check if it is stable enough, big enough for your pet, and made from quality materials that will help your pet accomplish the purpose of scratching.

Tips and Tricks for Training Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post

The first tip on the list is to place the scratching post in a visible and accessible location. Remember that cats prefer to scratch in areas where they spend most of their time, so make sure the post is placed in a location where your pet can easily see and access it. You can change the place after your cat starts using the tool if you want to designate another area for this purpose.

Next, you need to encourage your cat to use the scratching post. You can do so by playing with toys near it. Another method is to place some treats on or around it. These methods will help your pet associate the scratching post with positive experiences. It’s a very effective tactic that you can use for other behaviour training as well.

Lastly, do not forget to reward your cat for using the post. Whenever your pet uses the tool, award it with a treat or praise. This will reinforce the positive association and encourage its continued use. This is a standard training method that can be used for many other purposes as well.