Stadium crowds are more lifelike than ever before.
Passing has apparently been totally reprogrammed to allow for more of a random element. Individual ratings now determine the accuracy of each pass, with the more skilled players being better able to move the ball quickly and accurately. At present, this results in far too many errant passes, though EA Sports is at only the 85 percent completion mark in terms of the AI. Additionally, the strength of each pass is governed by the length of time that you hold down the pass button. 
A light touch knocks the ball forward a few yards, while a heavier thumb boots it well downfield. This has the potential of adding a lot to the game in terms of realism, though it will certainly require FIFA series veterans to make a number of serious adjustments in their familiar style of play. Shooting has also been randomized--missing the net is now not only possible, but also likely in the presence of any sort of significant opposition. Again, the alpha build isn't finished in this regard, as some tuning remains to make it a little easier to hit the net (scoring at this point is nearly impossible).
Hitting the target doesn't seem to be a contentious issue in terms of FIFA 23's potential overall success. Even in the alpha stage of development, it is clear that the design team is on the right track in terms of pulling the many features and enjoyable gameplay into one complete whole. While not much new is being brought to the table, the number of enhancements being made to an already fulfilling basic formula looks very promising.
FIFA World Cup 2002 Preview
 The player models are nicely detailed, as were the game's predecessor's.If you want to learn more about FIFA 23 Coins,please vist