When you hear the word cannabis, what comes into your mind? Is it the flashy marijuana paraphernalia that's seen proudly displayed by passersby? Is it the stoned, haggard, stereotype of a hippie that's been painted by someone who's long since passed away? Or is it the medicinal cannabis that helps to alleviate the pain of cancer and so many other ailments? While all of those things are true, none of them get to the heart of why cannabis is such a popular substance.

Physical Properties of Cannabis

To begin with, let's think about the physical properties of cannabis. In simple terms, it has a high concentration of something called THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. That substance is actually in the marijuana plant and has been found to be a real, natural, and safe thing. It does not, however, do much for the body when ingested in any appreciable amount over a long period of time. In fact, recent studies have suggested that continued consumption of cannabis can cause some fairly serious long-term effects, including an increased heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, and even an increase in appetite.

Short term Effects

Short-term effects can be fairly mild. Some people use cannabis to feel more motivated or to pass out. Others use it to "self-medicate" for anxiety, depression, or other psychological disorders. Chronic, long-term users can suffer from everything from severe chronic depression to psychotic disorders. And, of course, no one needs to tell you that the short-term effects are pretty much irrelevant if you're currently suffering from a broken back, a serious case of arthritis, or some other debilitating disease. Long-term effects can be devastating, as well.

That's because the only real, long-term medical uses for cannabis are the relief of the symptoms of those ailments. It is true that some people take cannabis to deal with chronic pain; the evidence is that it works for a little bit, but the relief wears off quickly, if at all. No medical uses exist for alleviating the appetite, dizziness, or nausea associated with cancer or chemotherapy treatment.

Medical Uses of Cannabis

So, what does this mean for the medical uses of cannabis? One of the known, accepted effects of cannabinoids is an increase in potency when the plant is harvested. This increase in concentration results in a higher dosage that can produce a very strong, albeit temporary, high - similar to the feeling one gets after smoking an extremely potent joint. When compared to the lack of physical effects of taking marijuana, this doesn't seem like a very effective way to get your fix.

On a more serious note, there is research indicating that cannabis can be an addictive substance. People who consume cannabis regularly, often experience the euphoria that is typically associated with cannabis use. However, the increased cannabis concentrates of THC (the main ingredient in cannabis) that are present during production may lead to a stronger euphoric high than one would normally experience, especially when consuming large amounts over a long period of time or in different forms like using a distillate syringe. In the process of consuming cannabis, you could wind up having an altered state of mind and body that could lead to addiction - and that's definitely not something anyone wants. It's estimated that one in four Americans are currently abusing cannabis, and the real number could be much higher.

Some Of The Many Marijuana Medical Benefits

One of the biggest arguments I've seen for using cannabis benefits is the fact that it acts as a bronchodilator. Bronchodilators are medications that open up the airways. So, when you smoke cannabis you're essentially opening up your airways so you can get rid of all the mucus and phlegm that get in your way when you try to breathe. As you can imagine, this can have some very positive effects on your asthma. As you might imagine, the use of cannabis edibles has gone from something that was used on a somewhat regular basis to a daily routine. In fact, I even use it as an inhalant now!

Another one of the cannabis benefits is that it helps people with chronic pain. This is particularly important for arthritis sufferers, but also for people who suffer from conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. When you smoke cannabis, you eliminate the harsh impact of smoke on the lungs and your body will begin to heal itself. This healing can reduce the amount of pain that you experience, but it can also help you avoid having to take strong pain killers to deal with your condition.

Finally, another one of the cannabis benefits is that it can be a great sleep aid. Some research has suggested that cannabis smoke has the ability to trick your brain into producing certain chemicals that are linked to deep sleep. This makes it a very interesting sleep aid because not only does it work as a sleep aid, but it also works to treat certain mental health issues such as depression. It may not work for everyone, and there are some studies that suggest that it may even be harmful for long-term use.

Nausea Benefits

But what else can this wonder plant do for your physical and mental health? Well, there is plenty. For example, it can help with nausea and chemotherapy. And although it is most commonly associated with the use of cannabis, it has also been shown to help with other forms of illness. For example, it can treat asthma and some forms of cancer, as well as the symptoms of depression and chronic pain relief.

Pain Relief and Relaxation

So, if you are looking for a way to relax or find temporary pain relief, consider trying marijuana. But don't stop there. You can turn this into a part of your life that leads to other healthy habits such as healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and even sleeping in on occasion. The more you use cannabis, the better you'll feel and the fewer health problems you will have to face in the future.