What is a VPAT Section 508 compliance statement?

 A VPAT Section 508 compliance statement refers to a public information page that provides information about the internal accessibility of a business or organization based on the Section 508 accessibility standards as encapsulated in the section 508 ada edition.


The statement also comprises the organization’s VPAT accessibility objectives based on the accessibility requirements in the VPAT 508 form and previous achievements arising from Section 508 compliance certification, including efforts aimed at including people with disabilities in efforts toward achieving VPAT accessibility.



A VPAT, or voluntary product accessibility template, is an important tool in the ecosystem of requirements for VPAT 508 compliance statement drafting. The template is a self-disclosure document produced by a vendor to provide details about how accessible information and communication technology (ICT) products or services are based on the Section 508 Standards and how the features of the products or services support each of the accessibility criteria in the VPAT 508 form.


Don’t make these mistakes when drafting your VPAT 508 statement


While VPAT certification is completely voluntary, having an incomplete or inaccurate Section 508 compliance test statement can put you at risk. Since your customers rely on the documentation you provide after self-evaluating your ICT products or services, having VPAT accessibility documentation that is incomplete or has mistakes can cause you risks such as legal consequences, contractual risks, and loss of credibility for your business and brands.


To safeguard the credibility of your business and shield it from the risks associated with inaccurate or incomplete VPAT compliance documentation, you should avoid the following mistakes:


Giving up on completing the 508 compliance VPAT due to complexity

Some businesses or organizations start the Section 508 compliance certification process but give it up due to the complexity and technicality of the information required.


They then take the big risk of concluding that their organization does not require a VPAT Section 508 compliance statement. That is usually the case when they feel that they may not be an organization directly covered by the Section 508 law. This is a mistake that needs reconsideration.


If you’re one of these, you need to know that Section 508 compliance and ICT accessibility are also listed as key requirements in other situations your ICT product or service will most likely find itself.


You may not have realized it, but failing to obtain Section 508 compliance certification automatically disqualifies you from doing business with the federal government, its agencies, and federally funded organizations. An opportunity to supply your product or service to these buyers may crop up suddenly, but if you lack a VPAT 508 certification, you’ll lose out.


Underestimating the opportunities that come with VPAT certification

Every vendor or manufacturer has a drive to maximize profits. Maximizing profits means not letting any opportunity slip by. Did you know that in America alone, there are over 60 million people with disabilities, and these individuals require products and services?


Ensuring that your product or service is VPPAT 508 certified provides these individuals with the confidence that you care about accessibility. Businesses that don’t let the opportunities provided by the disability market slip by and make efforts to ensure the accessibility of their products and services help themselves with increased revenue and profits. Don’t be lax in drafting your VPAT Section 508 compliance statements, because by doing so, you easily give this huge market to your competition.


Being ignorant of Section 508 updates

Before drafting your VPAT Section 508 compliance statement, some businesses fail to establish whether there are any latest updates to the Section 508 law and its underpinning policies and best practices.


The Section 508 accessibility framework is frequently updated to take into account different ranges of disabilities as the realities emerge. It also considers the assistive technologies that can be used by people with those disabilities.


Before drafting your 508 compliance statement, ensure you are using primary documents that help you be consistent with the updated accessibility requirements. The sure way of ensuring you’re guided by the latest updates and best practices in VPAT Section 508 compliance statement drafting is by hiring a third party professional to assist you through the VPAT certification.


Get a VPAT consultant to help you with VPAT 508 compliance


Drafting a Section 508 VPAT compliance statement involves complex technical documentation as well as being cognizant of the recent updates to the law and policy.


Drafting the statement without professional help can lead to inaccuracies or incompleteness that could result in risks to your business. You can get assistance with all your VPAT 508 compliance certification and statement drafting needs by talking to the Section 508 compliance VPAT consultancy. Get a Quick 508 VPAT Drafting Quote by calling a leading VPAT Consultant at (626) 486-2201.