As we get older, we lose small quantities of muscle each year and this slows down our metabolism that could make dropping weight even harder. Falling estrogen ranges at some stage in the menopause additionally manner that our our bodies generally tend to reshape—with fats redistributing from the bum and thighs to the belly area. 

Luckily, there are approaches where you may lose stomach fats quickly however nonetheless in a very secure and healthful way. As nicely as following a stomach fats food plan plan, you may additionally want to grow your each day's motion and workout regularly. 

6 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

In order to reduce tummy fat, one needs to follow a well planned routine. However, the following tips can help reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region:

#1 Eat plenty of soluble fiber

Soluble fiber forms a gel with water that slows down food as it passes through your digestive system.

This type of fiber promotes weight loss since it helps you feel full for a longer time, thereby preventing unnecessary food intake. Soluble fiber is found in peas, beans, apples, carrots.

#2 Avoid Alcohol

While alcohol can have health benefits when consumed in limited amounts, it can be seriously harmful if consumed in excess.

One way alcohol can negatively impact your body is by increasing the risk of abdominal obesity. Cutting back on it may help reduce one’s waist size. While there’s no need to give it up altogether, limiting the amount of alcohol consumed regularly is a must.

#3 Drink Green Tea

A very healthy beverage, green tea contains the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that appears to boost metabolism. The effect of the antioxidants in green tea may be strengthened when its consumption is combined with exercise.

#4 Workout regularly

Cardio or aerobic exercises are an effective way to reduce belly fat. While that may have been proven by various studies, the results are varied regarding the intensity of exercise necessary.

The basic recommendation of workout duration is 150 min/week of moderate-intensity exercise, however, it is directly proportional to gender, age and even BMI. In addition to cardio, resistance training can further help with fat loss too.

That said, it is ideal to consult a personal fitness trainer before getting started on high-intensity resistance training. Regular exercise also is ideal for weight maintenance after weight loss.

#5 Get enough sleep

Sleep affects various aspects of one’s health, including belly fat accumulation. People who don’t get enough of it tend to gain more weight. Sleep apnea, where breathing stops intermittently at night, has also been linked to excess visceral fat.

A minimum of 7 hours of quality sleep every night is a must to keep one’s fat gain under control. The quality of sleep is as essential as the total duration of your bedtime. Lack of sleep is responsible for metabolic and endocrine alterations, along with a reduction in glucose tolerance.

Overall this can cause a hormonal imbalance in the body and lead to weight gain.

#6 Track your calories

Extra calories in any form get stored in the body as fat. It is ideal to keep track of the number of calories being consumed and burnt on a daily basis. This can help avoid fat accumulation in the body.

Calorie Deficit is a great way to burn calories. A 500 cal deficit can lead to a weight loss of 0.4 kg or 1 lb in a week. You can use the calorie tracker available on the HealthifyMe app for the same.

Causes of Belly Fat

Contrary to popular belief, people with a normal body mass index(BMI), but having excess belly fat, also face increased risk of the above health problems. Here are a few potential reasons for the accumulation of excessive belly fat:

Sugary food and beverages: Studies have shown a link between high sugar intake and excess belly fat. This is mainly due to the extra refined sugar added during processing. While excess sugar in any form can be harmful, sugar-sweetened beverages are especially problematic.

Alcohol: Another possible cause for sudden belly fat gain is alcohol. Studies have linked the excessive consumption of alcohol to an increase in belly fat, with one study finding that men who consumed more than 3 drinks a day were 80% more likely to have excess body fat.

Sedentary lifestyle: One’s activity levels also play a major role in the accumulation of belly fat. A study showed that people who performed resistance training or aerobic exercise for a year after losing weight were able to prevent abdominal fat gain, while those who did not exercise faced a 25-38% increase in belly fat.

Stress: Cortisol, commonly called the ‘stress hormone’, is produced by the adrenal glands in stressful situations. While stress drives overeating, cortisol causes the excess calories to be stored as fat in the belly.

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